Maharaat Lughawiyyat: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab 2023-12-05T22:11:33+07:00 Muh. Faruq Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Maharaat Lughawiyyat: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab</strong>&nbsp;adalah sarana komunikasi dan publikasi ilmiah yang berasal dari hasil penelitian di bidang pendidikan bahasa Arab, baik literatur (library research) maupun lapangan (field research), dengan berbagai pendekatan. Jurnal ini&nbsp;terbit empat kali dalam setahun di bulan Januari-Maret, April-Juni, Juli-September dan Oktober-Desember. <strong>Maharaat Lughawiyyat: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab</strong>&nbsp;dikelola oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.</p> <p><strong>Journal Template:</strong> <a href=";id=1UQv9mWfSprnS4agJk6LXwjFR0vBlGzVw" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Download Here</a></p> تعليم مهارة الكلام بالأنشطة اللغوية في معهد والي صاعا عابر فونوروكو 2023-11-20T13:18:02+07:00 Siti Aminah <p><strong>ملخص</strong></p> <p>تعتبر مهارات التحدث من أهم المهارات في تطوير اللغة العربية. بتعيلم مهارة الكلام، يمكن لأي شخص أن ينقل ما يدور في ذهنه. الأنشطة اللغوية هي إحدى استراتيجيات التعليم لمهارة الكلام. الأنشطة اللغوية هي أنشطة يتم تنفيذها خارج الفصل الدراسي وهي أنشطة غير رسمية .ولكل المعهد أنشطة لغوية متنوعة ومختلفة وفي تنفيذها اختلاف أيضا. من المشاكل المذكورة، تصف الباحثة استراتيجية تعليم مهارة الكلام بالأنشطة اللغوية في معهد والي صاعا عابر فونوروكو. ومنهجية البحث هي منهج كيفي بالمدخل الوصفي. ونتائج البحث هي أن أشكال الأنشطة اللغوية لتعليم مهارة الكلام في معهد والي صاعا عابر فونوروكو تتكون من إلقاء المفردات والمحادثة والمحاضرة.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Speaking skills are one of te most important&nbsp; skills in the development of the Arabic language. With speaking skill’s learning, a person can convery what is on his mind. One of speaking skill’s learning strategies is through language activities. Language activities are carried out outside the classroom that are non-formal. Each Islamic boarding school has various and different language activities and the implementation is also different. From the problems above, the researcher tries to review speaking skill’s learning strategies through language activities at the Wali Songo Islamic Boarding School Ngabar Ponorogo. The approachused is a qualitative approach and descriptive research type. The result of this research is that the forms of language activities for speaking skill’s learning are the provision of vocabularies, conversation and speeches.</p> 2023-11-20T13:17:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## تأثير كفاءة قراءة القرآن على مهارة الكلام بمدرسة البهجة القرآنيّة الإسلامية الثانوية شربون 2023-12-05T22:11:33+07:00 Umar Abdul Aziz <p>Arabic is an absolute source and requirement that must be mastered in the pronunciation of reading the Qur'an. The source of the problem is the limited ability of a Muslim to read the Qur'an due to not mastering Arabic. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the efficiency of pronouncing makhraj letters in reading the Qur'an on the efficiency of pronouncing sounds in the speaking ability of eleventh grade students of SMAIQu Al-Bahjah Cirebon. This study uses the Expost Factor Quantitative method with the type of causal research (correlation research), which is useful research to determine whether there is a relationship between several variables. The data collection technique used by giving oral ability tests to students consists of oral tests of reading the Qur'an and oral tests of Arabic speaking skills. Meanwhile, to analyze data related to problem formulation, researchers use a simple linear regression test. The results of this study are: The correlation of the results shows that there is a relationship or influence between the efficiency of pronunciation of letters in reading the Qur'an and the efficiency of pronunciation of sounds in the speech ability of eleventh grade students at SMAIQu Al-Bahjah Cirebon with a number of 0.57. The value of the correlation coefficient of 0.57 is in the interval 0.40-0.60, which, if interpreted, indicates a moderate</p> 2023-12-05T22:09:43+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##