Re-strategi Layanan Perpustakaan sebagai Media Komunikasi Ilmiah di Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Studi di UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

  • Alvani Misbah Wadih
Keywords: Strategi Pelayanan, Layanan Perpustakaan, Perpustakaan Digital, Pandemi Covid-19


Since the COVID-19 pandemic emergency hit various regions in Indonesia, many public services were hampered
due to the impact of the implementation of strict social distancing rules. One of the public services affected is the
library as a medium of information in the community. As a result, as an information provider agency, libraries are
required to adapt in dealing with these regulations, so that libraries can be accessed flexibly under any conditions.
On this basis, the researchers conducted more in-depth research related to the re-strategy of library services during
the pandemic. The research method used in this study is a phenomenological approach. From the results of this study,
the researchers revealed that the Central Library of UIN Malang as a medium of information among academics
has formulated several strategies, including innovation initiatives in the library service system. For example, the
innovation of electronic journals as an alternative service for digital literature access media in providing easy open
access to electronic journals. And the innovation of the UIN Malang Library telegram group as a medium for the
latest information about library services. As a result, it shows that the two services are quite effective and efficient
to be applied during the critical period of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Semenjak pandemi COVID-19 melanda berbagai daerah di Indonesia, banyak layanan publik yang
terhambat akibat dampak dari pemberlakuan aturan ketat social distancing. Salah satu layanan
publik yang terkena imbasnya ialah perpustakaan sebagai media informasi di masyarakat.
Akibatnya, sebagai instansi penyedia informasi, perpustakaan diharuskan beradaptasi dalam
menyiasati adanya aturan tersebut, sehingga perpustakaan secara fleksibel dapat diakses dalam
kondisi apapun. Dengan dasar inilah, peneliti melakukan riset mendalam terkait re-strategi
pelayanan perpustakaan di masa pandemi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian
ini ialah pendekatan fenomenologi. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut, peneliti mengungkapkan
bahwa Perpustkaan Pusat UIN Malang sebagai media informasi di kalangan akademisi, telah
memformulasikan beberapa strategi, termasuk inisiatif untuk berinovasi pada sistem layanan
perpustakaan. Misalnya, inovasi jurnal elektronik e-journal sebagai layanan alternatif media akses
literatur digital dalam memberikan kemudahan open access jurnal elektornik. Serta inovasi group
telegram UIN Malang Library sebagai media informasi terkini tentang pelayanan perpustakaan.
Alhasil, menunjukkan bahwa kedua layanan tersebut terbilang cukup efektif dan efisien untuk
diterapkan pada masa genting pandemi COVID-19.


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How to Cite
Misbah Wadih, A. (2021). Re-strategi Layanan Perpustakaan sebagai Media Komunikasi Ilmiah di Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Studi di UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. LoroNG: Media Pengkajian Sosial Budaya, 10(2), 109 - 120.
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