1. The manuscript to be submitted is under the explanation of the Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal manuscript structure, which can be seen at
  2. The submitted manuscript must be under the available manuscript template. The manuscript template can be downloaded at
  3. The manuscript to be submitted must be checked for possible plagiarism using the Turnitin application. The threshold for similarity with other sources (similarity) is <35%. UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang students can apply for a Turnitin MIJ account at
  4. The manuscript should be at most 4000 words.
  5. The abstract should be informative, explaining a statement of the problem, approach, or proposed solution and conclusion. The maximum abstract is 250 words. Abstracts for Indonesian manuscripts include English and Indonesian; abstracts for Arabic manuscripts include English and Arabic; abstracts for English manuscripts are only English.
  6. The writing style uses APA Style 7th edition.
  7. Making citations and bibliography must use reference management tools (Mendeley, Zotero, or EndNote).
  8. We will return any manuscript that fails to meet the requirements to the author for amendment. The Editor will consider only papers submitted with the correct writing style.

Brief guidelines can be downloaded at