Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal <p><em>Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal</em> (MIJ) adalah sebuah jurnal interdisipliner yang menerbitkan artikel-artikel ilmiah berkualitas tinggi yang dihasilkan oleh mahasiswa dari berbagai disiplin ilmu. Jurnal ini dikelola dan diterbitkan setiap bulan dalam versi online oleh Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. MIJ menyediakan wadah bagi mahasiswa untuk mempublikasikan <strong>pemikiran konseptual</strong>, <strong>ulasan karya ilmiah</strong>, dan <strong>hasil penelitian</strong> mereka. MIJ menjembatani kesenjangan antara disiplin ilmu yang berbeda dengan tiga pendekatan utama: <strong>kesamaan rumpun ilmu</strong>, <strong>dialog antara sains dan nilai-nilai agama</strong>, serta <strong>integrasi dua disiplin ilmu yang berbeda</strong>.&nbsp;</p> Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang en-US Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal 3024-8140 <p class="post-meta">Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:</p> <ul> <li class="show">Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work’s authorship and initial publication in this journal.</li> <li class="show">Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal’s published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.</li> <li class="show">Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.</li> </ul> Kepemimpinan pendidikan Islam <p><em>In the Regulation of the Minister of National Education Number 13 of 2007 concerning Standards for School/Madrasah Principals it has been established that there are five dimensions of competency, namely personality, managerial, entrepreneurial, supervision, and social. These five competencies must be inherent in the principal's personality, so that he or she can become an effective leader. Within the School Based Management (SBM) framework, the school principal is responsible for implementing: 1) school management; 2) active, interactive, creative, effective and fun learning; and increasing community participation in supporting school programs. Therefore, school principals should have adequate managerial abilities. Apart from being a leader, the principal is also a manager, who is required to have managerial skills related to the realization of an effective school. Therefore, the position of principal cannot be held by just anyone. The principal must meet the minimum competition as previously mentioned.</em></p> Akhmad Ramadhani M. Imamul Muttaqin Jefrizal Yunus Vina Karisma Putri ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Dampak adanya Kampung Warna-Warni Jodipan Kota Malang bagi perubahan sosial dan dinamika masyarakat <p>The presence of Kampung Warna-Warni in Malang City makes an important contribution to social change and the dynamics of the local community. This research aims to analyze the impact of Kampung Warna-Warni in Malang City on social and community change. The focus includes changes in cultural values, social norms, influence on technology, lifestyle, and the development of local science. Another objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of Kampung Warna-Warni as an agent of positive change in visual transformation and its influence on the way of life and social interactions of the local community. Through a qualitative descriptive approach using data collection methods, namely interviews and observations, seven local traders as research informants revealed the significant impact of this phenomenon. Social change occurs naturally and is desired by society, creating positive experiences among them. As time goes by, not only changes occur in the village, but also influence patterns of technology use and the development of science in society. In conclusion, Kampung Warna-Warni is not only a visually attractive destination, but also changes the way of life and social interaction in its community.</p> Much. Rizki Maulana Khalif Baihaqi Saiful Amin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Strategi peningkatan efisiensi pemungutan PPh Pasal 22 <p>PPh 22 is one of the many types of taxes in Indonesia. Import activities occur when the purchase of goods by domestic taxpayers to sellers abroad. The purpose of this research is to improve the tax collection process, optimize the results and improve the efficiency of Income Tax Article 22 collection. The approach used is a type of qualitative approach with the data obtained in the form of secondary data. The results obtained indicate that the strategies needed to improve the efficiency of PPh 22 collection are good collaboration between taxpayers and tax collectors; the need for a good tax management strategy; and also an income tax rate policy that can be accepted by taxpayers in order to increase the amount of tax received on ITA 22 on imports.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Nindy Dwi Royani Miftakhul Rokhmah Muhammad Nu'man Ashfahany Lutfia Uswatul Maulida ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Teknologi kecerdasan buatan (AI) dalam transformasi industri <p>In an era that is starting to develop more rapidly like today, technology plays a very important role in our lives in helping our daily work processes, of course in the industrial sector. With the existence of artificial intelligence technology such as (AI), cooperation between humans and AI will be key. Effective collaboration will result in faster innovation and better solutions. Many countries are starting to apply Artificial Technology (AI) in industrial transformation which has both positive and negative impacts, in terms of positive impacts on the quality of product services provided, as well as better data analysis. Not only are the roles and impacts faced, but serious challenges can be felt. The increasing number and variety of interactions between humans and machines can encourage the development of more intuitive and responsive interfaces. This research uses descriptive-analytical methods to examine the impact and role of artificial technology (AI) in the development of Industrial Transformation. The data obtained includes the latest research in the form of journals, articles, books and scientific publications related to the journal articles that the authors wrote. This journal discusses the impact that artificial technology (AI) has and its role in Industrial Transformation. This role (AI) plays in securing producer data and improving the quality of product services provided to customers.</p> Nur Ahmad Mufid Naswa Kania Fitri ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Kepemimpinan berbasis nilai-nilai Pancasila <p>Leadership in Indonesia must be based on Pancasila values, because Pancasila itself is the ideology of the Indonesian state. Both state leadership and organizational leadership, etc., must be based on Pancasila to create leaders who are in accordance with state principles as contained in Pancasila.</p> Ahmad Arif Nahidl Ramdlany ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Urgensi peran kepemimpinan dalam membangun model inovasi lembaga pendidikan <p>Islam's rise to power may be traced to the creation of Adam and Eve by Allah, which marked the beginning of humanity on earth. Islamic leadership encompasses a wide range of activities since, from an Islamic perspective, a leader serves both as a khalifatullah (God's representative) on earth and as a provider of grace for the universe. Along with being an abdullah (servant of Allah) who is obedient and is constantly commanded to give all of his devotion to Allah's cause. We only discover that the leadership element is a concept of connections, authoritative procedures, and horizontal influencing actions when we examine views about the purpose and role of a leader.</p> Mahmud Allam Qois Dhiya'ulhaq ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 2 6 Sejarah perkembangan sistem pendidikan di Indonesia <p>This article discusses the history of the education system in Indonesia, starting from the Hindu-Buddhist era until the Reformation period. The aim of writing this article is to increase knowledge about the education system in Indonesia, both from the concept of the education system itself and its historical background. The results obtained from this research are that the education system involves various aspects, namely curriculum, learning methods, students, teachers, educational facilities, or other educational management. The education system aims to provide the knowledge, skills and moral values needed by individuals to develop their potential. The education system in Indonesia has experienced various developments over time. The development of this education system certainly aims to ensure that education in Indonesia is better and of better quality compared to other countries. However, the development of the education system in Indonesia is not as easy as imagined. Many problems exist and arise at any time. So with the current development of the education system, it is hoped that every educational institution must pay more attention to better education management so that national education goals can be achieved.</p> Nur Aini Abdal Malik Fajar Alam ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 2 6 Kepemimpinan, kekuasaan, kewenangan, kebijakan, keputusan dan peraturan <p>We need to understand the basics of leadership if we want to be a leader, starting from leading small things such as family leaders or discussion leaders to leading big things, such as organizational leaders and religious leaders. The ability to influence others is power, which means that changing the attitude or behavior of a person or group of people is the task of a leader. Power in Islam is the ability to influence other people at the will of power, which is bestowed upon the power to carry out the social life of a country which is dominated by Islamic teachings based on the Qur'an. All organizations that lead to the authority, power and influence of leaders in Islamic teachings must be in accordance with the Al-Qur'an and As-Sunnah. Etymologically, the term policy "always uses the meaning of discipline; intelligent;competent"</p> <p>In Islam, the decisions of believer leaders can always be found in the hadiths of Allah SWT and Rasullah SAW for their reasons. The existence of rules in the learning process has a very important role, namely as a tool for regulating behavior or attitudes and behavior that students have in the learning process.</p> Muhammad Muslimin Zeva Nawa Reza Muhammad Ridho Himmawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 2 6 Efektivitas dan kontribusi pajak daerah serta retribusi daerah terhadap pendapatan asli daerah Kota Malang sebelum dan sesudah Covid-19 <p>With this research, it is expected to be able to assess how effective and to what extent the role of taxes and fees that have an impact on revenue in Malang City before and after the emergence of Covid-19. The research method used is descriptive quantitative with secondary data. The data in this article were obtained through the report of the Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda) of Malang City for the period 2019-2022. The research findings state that the effectiveness of local taxes and PAD decreased during the Covid-19 pandemic, while the effectiveness of local levies increased. The role of Malang City taxes influencing PAD in 2019-2022 is in the very good category, although it decreased during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. On the other hand, the role of local levies influencing PAD in the same period is in the very lacking category, although it increased during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.</p> Mumtazah Nurjihan Hasanatul Lailiyah Anis Tri Rahmawati Mochammad Nizar Abdillah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 2 6 Pengaruh pendidikan kewirausahaan terhadap minat dan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam memulai usaha sendiri <p><em>This research aims to investigate the influence of entrepreneurship education on students' interest and ability in starting their own business. Entrepreneurship is becoming increasingly important in the global economy, and students are considered a potential resource who can contribute to economic growth through their independent efforts. However, success in starting your own business depends not only on technical knowledge, but also on motivation and entrepreneurial skills. The results of this research provide important insight into the importance of entrepreneurship education programs in preparing students to become entrepreneurs. In the context of higher education, universities can play a more active role in developing students' entrepreneurial interests and skills. The implication of this research is the need to improve entrepreneurship education programs and integrate entrepreneurship into the academic curriculum to encourage entrepreneurial interest and abilities among students</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Afif Salafudin Moammar Khadafi Makhtum Yandi Ahmad Rizqon Nafis ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Pengaruh persepsi dan religiusitas santri terhadap minat menabung di bank syariah <p>This study aims to determine the influence of perception and religiosity of students of Tarbiyatul Quran Ulin Nuha Islamic Boarding School in Malang City on interest in saving at Islamic banks. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire with Likert scale. The population in this study is all 32 students of Tarbiyatul Quran Ulin Nuha Islamic Boarding School. The results showed that the perception variable did not have a positive effect on saving interest with a t-count value of -0.301 and a t-table value of 2.042 which was greater than the t-count. As for the variable of religiosity, it has a positive effect on interest in saving with a t-count value of 0.808 while the t-table value of 2.042 is smaller than the t-count value. This f-table value of 3.30 means the value of f-count (0.154) &lt;f-table (3.30). That is, the hypothesis rejected between perception and religiosity simultaneously has no effect on the interest in saving in Islamic banking.</p> Lailatus Syarifah HN Yayuk Sri Rahayu ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 2 6 Determination of total Phenol and Flavonoid content in cinnamon extract (Cinnamomum Burmannii) <p>Cinnamon (<em>Cinnamomum burmanii</em>) is a variety of spices from Indonesia that is widely used in various fields because it is believed to have antioxidant activity. This is what underlies this study to determine the total phenol and flavonoids content of cinnamon (<em>Cinnamomum burmanii</em>) extract because the total phenol and flavonoids content is directly proportional to its antioxidant activity. There are many extraction methods that can be used to extract cinnamon (<em>Cinnamomum burmanii</em>). However, in this study, 4 extraction methods were used, namely infusa, FHI, cold sonication, and hot sonication. This aims to determine which method is appropriate to use and provide high levels of total phenols and flavonoids. Based on the research that has been done, the total phenol content of cinnamon (<em>Cinnamomum burmanii</em>) with infusa, FHI, cold sonication, and hot methods are 35.4342 mg/g; 47.6053 mg/g; 42.4868 mg/g; and 47.8026 mg/g, respectively. Meanwhile, the total flavonoid content of cinnamon (<em>Cinnamomum burmanii</em>) with infusa, FHI, cold sonication, and hot methods are 13.1852 mg/g; 38.1481 mg/g; 29.0000 mg/g; and 30.7037 mg/g, respectively. It can be concluded, that to get high levels of total phenolics of cinnamon (<em>Cinnamomum burmanii</em>) it is more effective to use the hot sonication method, and the total flavonoid levels are more effective using the FHI method with 70% ethanol solvent.</p> Syifa Najmiatu Sa'adah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Peranan OJK dalam memberikan literasi keuangan kepada masyarakat umum <p>Financial literacy is an important key in building a strong financial foundation for individuals and society. By having adequate financial literacy, people can better understand the risks and benefits of existing financial products. This helps them avoid the debt trap, manage their budget wisely, and better plan for their financial future. If we look at the distribution of population composition by generation and increase in productive age. Due to this, there is a requirement for a role in financial education for persons of productive age who must possess this knowledge. On the other hand, it is described as a process where financial investors and consumers improve their knowledge of financial ideas, products, and risks by objective information, guidelines, and/or suggestions. acquire the knowledge, abilities, and self-assurance necessary to make wise decisions and take action that will improve their well-being.</p> Muhammad Wafiyyul Murtaja ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 2 6 Konsumsi dan investasi di Indonesia <p>n Indonesia, the consumption and investment patterns of its society will significantly impact the future economic growth of the country. Consumption patterns refer to the form or structure of expenditures by individuals or families in terms of the use of goods and services to meet daily life needs. Additionally, investment patterns involve the commitment of a certain amount of funds or capital at present, with the hope of gaining profits in the future. Typically, investments are often associated with various activities that involve placing funds in various types of assets, including physical assets such as land, gold, and property, as well as financial assets such as stocks, bonds, or mutual funds. However, there are also several factors that influence consumption and investment.</p> Kamalin Qisthi Nurfatayati Ananda Ananda Izzah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 2 6 Kekuatan pembuktian tanda tangan elektronik dalam suatu kontrak individual <p>The purpose of this study is to find out how Electronic Signature proof should be regulated and how the law applies to civil disputes up to the status of Electronic Signatures. In Indonesian laws and regulations, the use of electronic signatures in contracts is now increasingly widely accepted and regulated. First, among others, in Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions, which in Article 1 Number 12 states that "Electronic Signatures are signatures consisting of Electronic Information attached to, associated with, or related to other Electronic Information that used as a means of verification and authentication". However, despite having the ability to prove their innocence in court, many Indonesians are still not aware that electronic signatures are accepted by law as legal evidence. Therefore, the ability of electronic signatures as valid evidence in court must be understood and explained.</p> Dita Nurmawanadilah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Kekerasan gender terhadap kaum perempuan dalam perspektif pancasila <p>RIGHT are a concept that is inherent in individual humans. Meanwhile, human rights are a legal and normative concept which states that these rights are universal and apply whenever and wherever. Nowadays, there are still many violations related to human related to human rights. One of them is gender violence, especially gender violence against women. Gender violence can be interpreted as men’s efforts to maintain their power, especially over women. In this journal article, we use a conceptual method that link visual and diagrammatic concepts. The aim of this research is to determine the characteristics and behavior of gender violence against women. The summary of action to raise awareness that gender violence can have negative effects on oneself and the surrounding environment, both physically and mentally. Apart from that, as Indonesian citizens who have Pancasila as a state ideology, this research was made to make Indonesian citizens aware that acts of gender violence against women aren’t in line with the perspective of Pancasila as a state ideology.</p> Zakiy Mubarok Muhamad Nurul Izam Najwa Karima Khoirunnaswah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 2 6 The impact of language use on multilingual santri At Luhur Malang Islamic Boarding School <p>This study aims to examine how more than one language is used by Luhur Malang students. In this study, data on how to use the language was</p> <p>collected, and what factors can occur in the use of more than one language.</p> <p>The main purpose of this research is to understand how the use of two languages occurs, what factors cause, how code switching, code mixing, and so on occur. As well as what are the influences in these matters. Twenty participants in this study were in grades B and C.</p> Ahmad Santuso ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Studi Kelayakan Bisnis pada UMKM Laundry Omah Cuci <p>This Business Feasibility Study Report aims to provide information related to business conditions Omah Cuci laundry which is run by Mrs. Farida Husnawati. Information provided it is hoped that it can be a guide for related parties in developing the Omah laundry business wash. The research method involves field observations of several aspects, including (1) legal aspects, (2) environmental aspects, (3) market and marketing aspects, (4) technical aspects and technology, (5) management and human resources aspects, and (6) financial aspects. Research reveals that in (1) legal aspects, the Omah Cuci business get an average evaluation score of 4.00. (2) In environmental aspects, average value the evaluation for the Omah Wash business is 4.00. (3) Market and marketing aspects show value the average evaluation is 4.6. (4) Technical and technological aspects of the Omah Cuci business the average evaluation value is 4.42. (5) Management and Human Resources aspects of the business Omah Cuci achieved an average evaluation score of 4.6. (6) In the financial aspect, business Omah Cuci meets the eligibility requirements by obtaining an average evaluation score adequate and meets all indicators of financial viability for that business profitable.</p> Gentur Pratopo Muhammad Hilmi Maulana Hamam Rafif Al-Ghozy Nihayatu Aslamatis Solekah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 2 6 Prinsip dasar syariah Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI) yang membedakan dengan bank konvensional <p>In an era like this, the sharia banking business must continue to exist because many conventional banks and other commercial banks are also developing. Bank Muamalat Indonesia explains several principles applied in its operational activities which include the basics of sharia economics which are used as guidelines for sharia banks, the basics of muamalah fiqh which are used as guidelines in sharia bank transaction activities, and the basics of sharia banking which are used as differentiators from commercial banks or conventional banks. others by having sharia products offered by sharia banks.</p> Elsa Maulida Rahma ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 2 6 Transformasi perdagangan internasional Indonesia <p>The development and role of Indonesia in the transformation of international trade are key to its economic progress, focusing on a shift from a commodity-based economy to one centered on investment, production, and high-value services through strategic policies. The advancement of digital technology also contributes to Indonesia's global role. Despite being influenced by global economic dynamics and geopolitical tensions, particularly between Russia and Ukraine, Indonesia faces challenges and opportunities for economic recovery and the advancement of international trade.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The economic transformation of Indonesia is concentrated on the development of human resources, energy, infrastructure, transportation, public finance, industry, trade, and agriculture. The goal is to enhance international trade relations and solidify Indonesia's position as a global economic leader. Search highlights include the development of foreign trade, the crucial role of international trade, and an analysis of the impact of globalization on Indonesia's international trade.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Factors such as government policies, global economic dynamics, technological progress, and environmental issues affect the growth of Indonesia's international trade. The importance of implementing policies that support sustainable economic growth and adaptation to global changes is crucial. The significant role of Indonesia's international trade serves as a driver for economic growth through import-export opportunities, resource efficiency, and investment. Collaboration between countries, technology transfer, and knowledge through international trade support diplomacy, peace, innovation, and competitiveness. The conclusion emphasizes the complexity of the role of international trade, encompassing economic, social, environmental aspects, and international collaboration to optimize global trade benefits.</p> Aulia Ismatul Shofi Achmad Raihan Firdausi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 2 6 Opportunity pendidikan <p>Disruption is an innovation, which can change the entire old order system by replacing it with the latest innovation. This innovation can replace old physical technology with digital technology that can replace something new, efficient and also useful. Meanwhile, in the industrial era 4.0, machines and factories will be connected, exchange data, work together, and be able to make decisions collectively. The industrial era 4.0 offers efficient use of time and resources, cost savings and increased income and helps add innovation to the industry. The old industry will of course be replaced by the newest industry because it is more efficient. Therefore, we must be able to anticipate well so that we can see new opportunities in the future. Skills in the field of industrial transformation knowledge education are expected to be truly well prepared, because in this sophisticated era, humans live side by side with smart machines in the workplace.</p> Umi Mufidatul Musyarofah Ilmi Firdausi Nuzula ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 2 6 Upaya pencegahan pencemaran lingkungan hidup perspektif Undang-Undang No. 32 tahun 2009 tentang perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup <p>In this article, we try to answer the problem, namely how to prevent environmental pollution from the perspective of Law no. 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management What sanctions are given to perpetrators of environmental pollution and destruction. This research uses a form of normative legal research, namely research based on written laws and regulations and various literature related to the issues that will be discussed in this study. By using primary and secondary legal material sources. The results of the research show that legal substances or laws and regulations concerning the environment are the legal basis in the implementation and enforcement of law by law enforcement officials and officials in the context of overcoming environmental problems in Indonesia. Environmental Law Enforcement is closely related to the ability of the apparatus and the compliance of citizens with applicable regulations, which cover three areas of law, namely administrative, criminal and civil. Law enforcement in the licensing sector tends more towards administrative regulations and administrative sanctions. Environmental permits in Indonesia related to environmental issues have been regulated in various types of legislation, in UUPPLH it is explained that licensing functions as an instrument for preventing environmental pollution, as well as preventing environmental damage. Furthermore, every company and/or activity that has an impact on the environment is required to have an AMDAL; UPL UKL; or SPPL.</p> Imam Baihaqi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Permasalahan ekonomi <p>Poverty is a state of inability to fulfill basic needs, divided into relative and absolute, related to social inequality and basic needs. Factors such as low levels of education, lack of employment opportunities, and low levels of health are triggers for poverty. Efforts to reduce poverty involve increasing access to education, economic growth, and improving access to health. Inequality includes an imbalance of opinion and differences in socio-economic development. Factors such as differences in demographic conditions, education levels, and lack of employment opportunities can cause disparities. Efforts to reduce disparities involve increasing access to education, creating jobs, targeted subsidies, and improving infrastructure. Demography studies the population, structure and processes of population in a region. Factors such as gender, educational status, and income influence demographics. The benefits of demographics involve market opportunities, quality human resources, a productive workforce, and an important role in development planning. Employment includes the working age population. Factors causing employment involve economic instability, technological progress, and the influx of foreign workers. Efforts to reduce employment involve skills training, apprenticeship programs, and government and private sector collaboration. The impact of economic employment problems includes increasing unemployment, poverty, and decreasing people's quality of life</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Muhammad Akmal Syahputra Ainul Yaqin Akhdan Aura Muzaqi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 2 6 Creating a student social character through the conservative learning process on IPS subject in MTsN 1 Kediri <p>The study aims to describe the process of change and create the social character of the student using ips teaching methods from vaim MTSN class 1 kediri. In addition, another goal is to identify the social attitudes of the students formed through ips MTSN 1 class 1 city. The study USES a qualitative study approach with qualitative qualities. The method of data collection used is observation, interview, and documentation. Researchers claim to be observers. In this study, data analysis is done through data reduction, data presentation, and verification (deduction). Based on research, it may be concluded that the creation of class viii MTSN 1 city keself through ips teaching methods is done by the teacher by two factors, that is, inside (students) and outside (family environment, school, and society); Second, the form of students' social attitudes can be seen through activities in the classroom and outside the classroom (extracurricular activities) school rules and cultures; Finally, all in all the little social attitudes of the student who experienced the most obvious change in his or her attitude and discipline.</p> Amalia Ramadhani Putri Salwa ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Meningkatkan pengetahuan makanan sehat pada anak melalui kegiatan sosialisasi dengan media video animasi di SDN Jeru 01 <p>Healthy food is food that contains balanced nutritional values ​​that the body needs, such as carbohydrates, proteins, etc. However, nowadays many children pay less attention and choose healthy foods properly. The purpose of this study was to increase the knowledge of elementary school-age children about healthy and nutritious food through the socialization of balanced nutrition healthy food with animated video media at SDN Jeru 01. The method used in this study was a quantitative approach by giving pre-test and post-test. This activity was very successful because of the great enthusiasm of the children listening and asking questions when the socialization took place and it can be seen from the results of the data on 58 children that the author has included, namely before the socialization was carried out there were 31 children (53.4%) who had sufficient knowledge, and after the socialization there were 49 children (84.5%) with good knowledge. From students' attitudes about healthy and nutritious food before socialization, 33 children (56.9%) had an adequate attitude, while after socialization, 52 children (89.7%) had a good attitude. Animated video media is proven to have a big influence on elementary school children's understanding.</p> Imam Wafi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 2 6 Kebijakan moneter dalam perspektif ekonomi Islam <p>The current Islamic monetary system has been around for a long time in its development. In fact, this monetary system has existed since the time of the Prophet, but during the Prophet's time the gold and silver system was already in effect. The Islamic monetary system certainly has characteristics that are very different from other economic systems, because in its administrative aspect it does not use the term interest, so this is the main difference with the more traditional economic system used today. This is because the application of the traditional interest system creates several unfair conditions in several fields. This causes a decline in social and economic values. The economic system agrees to have a monetary policy and fiscal policy that can be used as a tool to suppress inflation which often occurs in many economic systems in every country.</p> Firdaus Apriyansyah Rahman Wardatul Haniah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 2 6 Peran UMKM dalam perekonomian Indonesia <p>The role of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the economic growth of Indonesia is significant. MSMEs contribute to economic development, equitable distribution of income, and job creation. However, MSMEs also face challenges, such as difficult access to finance, limited management capacity, limited technology and innovation, intense competition, restrictive regulations, rapidly changing markets, and limited labor skills. Studies show that MSMEs have grown rapidly in Indonesia, supported by optimal technology, information, and communication facilities. Protection of MSMEs in the development of sustainable creative economy is also a focus of research. In addition, factors that influence the performance of MSMEs, such as perceptions of the purpose of financial statements, accounting knowledge, effectiveness of implementation, task relevance, and trust in accounting information systems, are also research topics. The Indonesian government has taken various steps to promote the growth of MSMEs, including entrepreneurship training programs, provision of financial access, and tax incentives. Although MSMEs face challenges, their contribution to the economic growth</p> Ahmad Dzulfikkar Riab Gholiyah Ayu Rosyadah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 2 6 Pemanfaatan limbah organik sebagai bahan pakan utama budidaya maggot BSF (Hermetia Illuciens l). <p>The waste problem is one of the endless problems in the world, especially in Indonesia. Every activity carried out by humans always leaves waste, especially in large-scale activities. Garbage causes many new problems. Some natural disasters are also caused by waste that is not managed properly. The development of science and technology is a solution to this problem. Useless organic waste is an opportunity for the community to develop resource potential. Waste that is easily decomposed can be used as feed for BSF Maggots (Hermetia Illuciens L). The BSF maggot is an insect rich in animal protein which contains between 25.22% - 41.22% and has antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties so it is very good for animal feed and cultivated animals, such as poultry and fish. Not only does it reduce organic waste, but cultivating maggots in this way is also profitable in the livestock and agricultural sectors because the residue from decomposing organic waste can be used as compost.</p> Rizki Sri Lestari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Pendapatan nasional <p>National income is a measuring tool used to determine the level of the economy in a country within a certain period, which is usually done in one year. The calculation of national income is carried out with the aim of seeing a picture of the level of welfare and prosperity of the people of a country in a certain time period. In calculating a country's income, there are several approaches, namely, the production approach, the income approach, and the expenditure approach. The results of calculating national income are then divided by the population, and the per capita income of a country is found. The research method used was a literature review, 9 articles were found that were relevant for review and analysis of national income. With data sources obtained through the Google Shcolar website, the Publish or Perish website, and other websites. This data is in the form of journals, articles, documents and data.</p> Nelli Silviasari Nizar Amud Usidan Miftahul Muzaki ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 2 6 Dinamisasi manajemen mutu presfektif pendidikan Islam <p>The aim of this research is to provide insight into the dynamics of quality management or educational views to readers, observers, academics and educational practitioners to understand how comparisons can be made from various angles and with public awareness of the importance of education, it is hoped that the quality of education in Indonesia can be better. and continues to develop and improve. This raises the research question of how to develop education quality management in the era of regional autonomy and educational autonomy through the application of management principles with an educational paradigm. The results of this research are improving quality through optimization. The functions and objectives of standardization are (1) National Education Standards function as a basis for planning, implementing and supervising education in order to realize quality national education, (2) National Education Standards aim to guarantee the quality of national education. in order to educate the nation's life and form a dignified national character and civilization, (3) National Education Standards are refined in a planned, directed and sustainable manner in accordance with the demands of changes in local, national and global life and the impact of the results of basic education development on regional autonomy.</p> Dimas Yon Rizky Setyawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 2 6 Klasifikasian abstrak paper menggunakan algoritma KKN <p>The K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm was used in this study to categorize research abstracts according to their topic. This research was created to assist writers and researchers in choosing a place for journal publication that is appropriate to the topic in the abstract. The dataset was collected manually through restrictions by only searching Sinta 2-indexed journals for related abstracts in the trial. The relevant topics are then extracted from the abstract using natural language processing (NLP) techniques. Abstracts are categorized into certain subject groups using the KNN algorithm. This research was conducted by adjusting the variables of the parameters used. By setting random_state values, determining n-neighbors values, and determining the best distance matrix, which will produce high precision, recall, and a good F1-score rating. High precision, recall, and F1-score ratings in system performance evaluation are used as indicators of how well research topics are categorized and as a measure of efficiency.</p> Farid Ardianto ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 2 6 Sikap nasionalisme dalam merebut kembali kemerdekaan Indonesia <p>This journal examines the attitude of nationalism which is the main driving force in the struggle to regain Indonesian independence. This study aims to understand the role and importance of nationalism in mobilizing the masses and fighting the invaders during the period of the struggle for independence. This research approach uses historical analysis and literature studies such as historical documents. The results showed that nationalism played a significant role in the struggle to regain Indonesian independence. This attitude fosters the national spirit, awakens shared awareness and strengthens solidarity among the Indonesian people. This journal provides a deeper understanding of the importance of nationalism as the foundation of the struggle for independence. Through a better understanding of the national struggle, it is hoped that it can inspire present and future generations to maintain and strengthen the spirit of nationalism in building a better nation.</p> Afif Salafudin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Analisis studi kelayakan usaha peternakan ayam petelur mitra satwa ps <p>This article discusses a business feasibility study on one of the laying hen farming businesses in the Blitar Regency area, namely Mitra Satwa PS. This business feasibility study is carried out to see whether a business plan that has been prepared is feasible or not and if it has been carried out regularly whether the maximum level of profit can be achieved or not within the specified time period. This business feasibility study assessment was carried out by assessing 5 aspects, namely legal aspects, environmental aspects, market and marketing aspects, technical and technological aspects, as well as management and human resources aspects. Based on the results of the business feasibility study analysis on the Mitra Satwa PS laying hen farm, it was concluded that this business is feasible to continue with several notes that need to be improved in the future so that this business is more advanced and develops in the future. future. For example, in terms of legality, businesses need to renew their business permits, take advantage of current technological developments to simplify business and make operations more effective, carry out AMDAL analysis and divide job desk work and appoint people in charge of each division to make the control process easier.</p> Aprilia Dwi Ratnasari Nihayatu Aslamatis Solekah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 2 6 Studi literatur perbandingan sistem pendidikan dasar di Indonesia dan Finlandia <p>The education system is a very important thing in a country as one of the factors supporting the advancement of a country. Finland, which is known as a country with good and advanced education, can be an example for several countries that want to advance their education system, one of which is Indonesia. The presentation in this journal is to show how the education system in Finland is run and also contains the running of the education system in Indonesia which can later be used as a comparison and evaluation of the education system. This journal uses a literature study research method from several books and journals that contain discussions related to the education system in Finland and the education system in Indonesia. Which is summarized and published in the form of a description in this journal.</p> <p>The results obtained are in the form of a discussion of the basic education system and policies in Indonesia and Finland, the basic education curriculum in Indonesia and Finland, and teacher qualifications in Indonesia and Finland. The results found are differences and similarities in the education system in Indonesia and Finland. With a description that summarizes the discussion of the education system in Indonesia and Finland is expected to be a material understanding of the education system in developed countries and also a comparison material as an evaluation of the education system for developing countries to improve the education system in their country.</p> Sherlytha Dyah Febrianggita ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 2 6 Internalisasi Nilai-nilai Islam dalam budaya wayang kulit di Indonesia <p>Shadow puppet is one of Indonesia's cultural heritages that has rich and complex religious values. In it, there is a process of internalization of Islamic values that has occurred for a long time. This research aims to analyze how Islamic values have been internalized in shadow puppet culture in Indonesia. The research method used in this study is library research with a historical approach as a method of data collection using primary and secondary sources. The data obtained is then analyzed through a qualitative approach to identify Islamic values internalized in shadow puppet stories. The success of the process of spreading Islam on the island of Java cannot be separated from the role of Walisongo who have a big role and share in it. There is one of the nine Walisongo who is famous for having a unique characteristic of preaching. He is Sunan Kalijaga. Sunan Kalijaga in his preaching used cultural acculturation by combining Islamic culture with local culture, without eliminating existing cultural values, one of which was by using puppet media to convey his preaching. This later became one of the important keys to his success in spreading Islam in Java, especially in Demak, Central Java.</p> Ilfina Alifah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Analisis perbandingan kebijakan PPN di berbagai negara <p>Value Added Tax is an important fiscal instrument in the taxation system of Indonesia and other countries. This article explains the basic concepts of VAT, functions, objectives and current policies regarding VAT in Indonesia, Singapore and Vietnam. There is an in-depth analysis of the planned VAT rate increase, its implications for the economy, as well as comparisons with similar policies in neighboring countries. The results highlight challenges, opportunities, recommendations for improvement, and lessons learned in optimizing tax efficiency, especially around rate harmonization, tax expansion, and increased supervision. The successes and problems related to VAT policy, based on research, show that VAT can be an efficient source of state revenue and can encourage productive consumption and investment. However, good implementation requires simpler tariff adjustments, expanding tax coverage, and increasing the capacity of the tax apparatus. Challenges include resistance from stakeholders, policy incompatibility with international rules, and global economic dynamics that can influence tax policy. However, there are also opportunities to increase tax efficiency through public awareness, technological innovation and the potential of unreached sectors. In order to optimize tax efficiency, this research provides recommendations for tariff harmonization, expanding tax coverage, and increasing the capacity of the tax apparatus. It is hoped that this will help in facing challenges and taking advantage of opportunities in implementing VAT policies more effectively and efficiently.</p> Valentyno Damya Mazroatun Nasikhah Nasikhah Naufal Rizki Wicaksono Mega Marani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 2 6 Perbandingan kebijakan pendidikan inklusi Indonesia dan India <p><em>Berdasarkan survei yang dilakukan oleh Nabilah pada bulan september 2023 dinyatakan bahwa sistem pendidikan di India menduduki posisi satu tingkat diatas Indonesia. Namun, tidak dipungkiri bahwa laporan indeks pembangunan manusia 2021-2022 Indonesia lebih unggul di atas India. Berdasarkan hasil analisa di dalam artikel ini menggunakan metode studi pustaka dengan membandingkan kebijakan penyelenggaraan pendidikan inklusi antara Indonesia dan India. Beberapa perbedaan yang terdapat setelah dianalisa menujukkan bahwa perbedaan tersebut meliputi: tujuan, landasan hukum, dan prinsip yang digunakan sebagai pedoman penyelenggaran pendidikan inklusi di negara nya masing-masing. Keunggulan India dalam bidang pendidikan khususnya dalam pendidikan inklusi, salah satunya dapat dilihat dari meningkatnya jumlah pendaftar dari kalangan anak penyandang disabilitas.</em></p> Siti Robbiatul Adawiyah Abdal Malik Fajar ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 2 6 Problematika sistem pendidikan di Indonesia dan solusi pemecahannya <p><em>This article aims to examine the current education system in Indonesia with several problems faced and solutions to deal with them. Changes in the implementation of education in Indonesia require the performance and support of all parties, both society and government. Advanced and quality education reflects that the country has succeeded in developing the country and its human resources. This research uses a descriptive qualitative research method, namely literature study or literature review. Researchers collect data and information from journals, books and other scientific works in accordance with the discussion in this article. Through this article, it is hoped that it can encourage all aspects of the implementation of education in Indonesia towards better quality so that education graduates can respond to the needs and challenges of the times.</em></p> Aini Mahfudhoh ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 2 6 Problematika pendidikan di Indonesia <p><em>This scientific work deals with the problems of education in Indonesia. The problem of education in Indonesia is an issue that continues to be a major concern in efforts to improve the quality of education. This article outlines some of the major problems facing the Indonesian education system and tries to present possible solutions. Some of the problems that have arisen are incompatibility of curricula, lack of qualified educators, and inadequate facilities and infrastructure. Facing this problem requires collaboration between governments, schools, communities, and the private sector. Increased education in Indonesia will require strong commitment, structural change, and sustainable investment. Awareness of the importance of quality education as the engine of national development must be continuously pursued in order to a brighter future for the young generation of Indonesia.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Afidatul Azizah Rena Widyastuti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-13 2024-01-13 2 6 Implikatur percakapan khusus karakter utama dalam animasi manga toon "The Journey" berdasarkan sudut pandang Gazdar <p>The writing of this article aims to: (1) describe the form of special implicature in "The Journey" animation based on Gazdar's perspective; and (2) reveal the special implicature in "The Journey" animation based on Gazdar's perspective. This research is a qualitative research. The primary data source in this research is the anime "The Journey" produced by Manga Toon, while the secondary sources are related journals and books. The data collection techniques used are watching technique, listening technique, and note-taking technique. The results obtained from this study are that there are five forms of special implicature in the animation "The Journey" produced by Manga Toon and Toei Animation based on Gazdar's perspective (2) the functions of special implicature in the anime "The Journey" produced by Manga Toon based on Gardar's perspective include (a) to provide facts in language, to provide a more in-depth explanation; (b) namely to connect communication, to explain the use of facts in language.</p> Mellinda Raswari Jambak Ummi Hasanah Madinatul Munawwarah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-14 2024-01-14 2 6 Analysis of the impact of tax reform on Value Added Tax (VAT) revenue in Indonesia <p>Taxes in Indonesia serve as the mainstay of the national income, supporting infrastructure development and social needs. The recent reforms in Value Added Tax (VAT) rates and tax regulations have had a significant impact, aiming to increase revenue, broaden the tax base, and create a more efficient tax system. The adjustment of the VAT rate from 10% to 11% in the Tax Harmonization Law has affected the tax structure, fairness, and efficiency. These changes encompass alterations in the VAT rate, administrative improvements, and a push for growth in the economic sector. Despite providing benefits to tax revenue and economic stimulus, continuous evaluation is necessary to ensure the sustainability and effectiveness of these reforms in supporting economic growth and investment in Indonesia.</p> Syafi' Ainul Yahya ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-14 2024-01-14 2 6 Milenial dan kewarganegaraan <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Identitas nasional merupakan ciri khas suatu bangsa yang meliputi nilai-nilai budaya, kelestarian eksistensi, dan masa depan negara. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Setiap suku bangsa mempunyai identitas yang khas sesuai dengan hakikat dan karakter bangsa. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Melestarikan jati diri bangsa sangatlah penting, terutama bagi Generasi Z, karena mereka mempunyai peran penting dalam masa depan Indonesia. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Dampak negatifnya terlihat jika Indonesia tidak siap menghadapi globalisasi, khususnya di kalangan Generasi Z yang cenderung mengadopsi budaya Barat dalam berperilaku, berpakaian, berbahasa, dan gaya hidup. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Pengaruh ini bahkan meluas hingga ke daerah pedesaan. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Di era globalisasi ini, kesadaran dan ketaatan terhadap nilai-nilai Pancasila sangat penting untuk menjaga karakter bangsa. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Artikel ini mengadvokasi penerapan nilai-nilai Pancasila dalam menjaga jati diri bangsa di kalangan Generasi Z, mendorong mereka menjadi warga negara yang selaras dengan nilai-nilai luhur Indonesia. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Metodologi yang digunakan dalam artikel ini melibatkan tinjauan literatur untuk menyelidiki teori-teori yang relevan dari berbagai publikasi. </span><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Dengan demikian, pasal tersebut tidak hanya mengidentifikasi permasalahan, namun juga memberikan landasan bagi solusi konstruktif untuk menjaga dan melestarikan jati diri bangsa Indonesia di tengah arus globalisasi.</span></span></p> Atina Zahira Al 'Ulya Nurmadjidah Maradjabessy Audyah Damayanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-14 2024-01-14 2 6 Analisis kinerja dan tantangan pengembangan Bank Syariah <p>The development of the banking industry, which continues to increase from year to year, must have a balance in terms of performance assessment, where sharia banking performance measurement does not only look at the profit side, but sharia banking as a sharia business entity needs to consider the benefit aspect. From here we take samples from the perspective of students majoring in Sharia Economic Law at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. There are many obstacles that Indonesia faces in developing sharia financial institutions so that they have low competitiveness compared to conventional financial institutions and sharia financial institutions from other ASEAN countries. This research uses qualitative research methods with descriptive analysis techniques. Thus, the aim of ensuring that sharia banking regulations and policies are for sharia banking to suit the needs of the community and the wishes of banking companies. The findings reveal that students are satisfied with sharia bank services because they use sharia contracts, but there are deficiencies in the bank's marketing department so they are less competitive with conventional banks.</p> Nurul Aulia Qoridhotul Asri Ninggar Muhammad Yusuf Aminullah Ainin Nikmah Lalu Muhammad Fahmi Wirasaputra ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-14 2024-01-14 2 6 Inflasi dan krisis ekonomi <p>This article discusses inflation and the economic crisis. This research is demonstrated in knowing the basic concepts, causal factors, and efforts to overcome inflation and the economic crisis. The economic crisis and inflation are two main problems that repeatedly occur in countries around the world, including Indonesia. Economic crises occur due to various causes, such as inefficient government procedures, the global financial crisis, and so on. The impact of the economic crisis is very burdensome on society, such as unemployment, poverty and shrinking purchasing power. In addition, inflation begins with the prices of goods and services increasing significantly in a short period of time. Inflation can affect people's daily lives, such as reducing purchasing power and increasing the cost of living. Inflation itself can be controlled in several ways, such as tightening monetary policy, controlling salaries, increasing investment, tightening fiscal policy, and so on.</p> Marsha Salsabilla M. Syafiul Azhar ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-14 2024-01-14 2 6 Character emotion portrayal of Siena Bernstein in the novel The Sound of Munich by Suzanne Nelson <p>This research is aimed at analyzing literary works in the form of novels in which there are intrinsic and extrinsic elements for understanding literary texts, deepening interpretation, and increasing critical and analytical abilities towards literary works. The purpose of this research is to find out how the author describes emotions towards one of the characters named Siena Burnstein in this novel. This research uses a descriptive qualitative research method that aims to describe a phenomenon in depth and collect data as comprehensively as possible. This time the author focuses on analyzing the emotions of the characters from the novel by Suzanne Nelson referring to the theory put forward by David Krech (1969) about the classification of emotions. the results of this study indicate that the main character in the novel The Sound Of Munich, namely Siena Bernstein, in fact has these emotions.</p> Moh Saddam Hozen Faiq Akbar Riskian Syah Muhammad Najmuddin Wahyu Indah Mala Rohmana ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 The impact of tourism on the socio-cultural and economic aspects of the people of Osing Kemiren Tourism Village, Glagah District, Banyuwangi Regency <p>Glagah Banyuwangi district has been in the spotlight as a tourism destination rich in culture and traditions owned by the Osing community. This article aims to analyze the impact of tourism on the social, cultural and economic aspects of the Osing Kemiren tourist village community. The method used is a qualitative research approach with descriptive analysis to explore the impact of tourism on social, cultural and economic aspects in the Osing Kemiren Tourism Village. The research results show that tourism has brought real social change, enabling interaction and cultural exchange between tourists and local communities. Apart from that, tourism also has a significant impact on the economy of local communities. With the existence of tour package services that involve the community, people have the opportunity to earn additional income which can improve their standard of living. Research</p> Mutia Sanihah Dinda Naza Syafaah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Ushul fiqih <p>This article will discuss <em>Dzahir</em> and <em>Takwil</em> as well as <em>Muradif</em> and <em>Musytarak</em> which must be considered in <em>Ushul Fiqh</em> to understand and determine Islamic law. In <em>Ushul Fiqh</em>, <em>Ta'wil</em> is moving the word <em>dzahir</em> from its original use to something required by the dalil, in short moving the meaning of <em>dzahir</em> to another meaning. <em>Dzahir</em> is a <em>lafazh</em> that shows a meaning with the formulation of the <em>lafazh</em> itself without waiting for the <em>qorinah</em> to exist outside the <em>lafazh</em> itself. <em>Muradif,</em> namely several pronunciations used for one meaning or usually referred to as synonyms. And the last one is <em>Musytarak,</em> namely <em>lafazh</em> which has two or more meanings and can show different meanings.</p> Akhmad Ramadhani Nailatul Hana Muhammad Ridho Himmawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Puasa sebagai obat perspektif hadis dan kesehatan <p>Fasting is basically refraining from eating, drinking, or doing certain activities for a specified time. Fasting itself actually existed before the religion of Islam came, but the objectives, procedures, timing, conditions and implementation are different from what is taught in the Islamic religion. Fasting not only has a spiritual dimension, but also receives attention from a hadith and health perspective. The hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad SAW have conveyed the values ​​of fasting as a way to achieve closeness to God and self-control from despicable things and lead to goodness towards the true nature of a human being. In parallel, several medical experts, who have conducted research on the impact of fasting on health, have also revealed the physiological and psychological benefits of the practice of fasting.</p> <p>In the hadiths, the Prophet Muhammad SAW emphasized the importance of self-control, patience and moral development during the fasting month of Ramadan. The hadith also teaches the concept of empathy towards people who are less fortunate and promotes good deeds and abandoning bad ones.</p> <p>From a health perspective, fasting has been proven to have a positive impact on the body and mind. Intermittent fasting, in particular, has been linked to increased insulin sensitivity, reduced risk of heart</p> <p>disease, and even improved cognitive function. Apart from that, fasting can also help the body's detoxification process and improve hormonal balance.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Hasna' Naili Rohmah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 The Phenomenon of Marriage Between Muslims and People of the Book in Indonesia in Review of Islamic Law <p>Interfaith marriages are still heard of. This of course has given rise to various polemics in Indonesia, especially in the Islamic community, where Islamic law or sharia regulations have regulated interfaith marriages in such a way. In the Islamic religion itself, there are interfaith marriages which are permitted and which are not according to the opinion of some scholars, in accordance with several provisions contained in the QS. al-Maidah. However, the law that has been formed in Indonesia does not necessarily allow interfaith marriages to take place. These laws include the MUI fatwa and the complications of KHI Islamic law which states the prohibition against interfaith marriages with various underlying legal bases.</p> Roichanah Adibah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Khulu' dalam perspektif Kompilasi Hukum Islam (KHI) <p>The resolution of domestic crises given by the wife and received by the husband is called khulu in Islamic law. This research examines the legal protection of women if the surrender of the khulu' is determined and investigated. In addition, there is also a relationship between the provisions and the concept of khulu' with the position of women in marriage law arising from the Compilation of Islamic Law related to Marriage Law. It was decided to use normative legal research methods in this study. with a legal approach. The results of this study indicate that the surrender of the khulu to the man to separate himself from the marriage bond is accompanied by the payment of 'iwadh', namely the payment of money or goods to the man from the woman's side in return, divorce. as. form of legal protection for women. The text says that 'iwadh is a system of legal protection provided by the state to women belonging to the khulu'.</p> Yayuk Safitri ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Etika bermedia sosial dan penyebaran informasi <p>Pancasila is the basis of the Indonesian state and ideology which is the basis for development and national and state life. According to several historical figures and experts, the meaning of Pancasila also provides a different understanding but still reflects the values contained therein. This aims to ensure that the millennial generation uses social media well and implements Pancasila values on social media. We are now in the digital era, where everything has been digitized, including more conventional ways of living in society, such as socializing and mingling well with people, whether known or unknown. Currently, hoax reports such as social politics and SARA are testing the strength of Pancasila. Therefore, as a millennial generation in the era of technology and media, they must apply social media well by using it for things that have positive value and can even generate profits. Social media also provides many opportunities for the millennial generation to apply Pancasila values through various social media pages, also opening opportunities to appreciate new things and express good opinions to be read by people who use social media while adhering to Pancasila values.</p> Nadia Nilnal Muna ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-15 2024-01-15 2 6 Peran Pancasila dalam mencegah cyber bullying di internet <p>In the era of digitalization, the internet has a big influence on interactions between people due to several factors. The development of this technology has given rise to a number of negative impacts, one of which is cyberbullying. This research was conducted to reduce the prevalence of cyberbullying in internet life by applying Pancasila values. Cyberbullying is currently affecting people from all walks of life.</p> Alvi Farah Az-Zahrah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-15 2024-01-15 2 6 Gap generation <p>Technology is increasingly developing and becoming something that is very necessary for humanity. The presence of the Internet creates new experiences where distance does not hinder the teaching and learning process. On the other hand, increasingly sophisticated technological developments can also have a negative impact. The reason is that current technology has changed the way society works, including in the world of education. The generation gap between teachers and students in the current digital era is clearly visible. Groups with different developmental experiences develop differently. University lecturers, like most groups of digital immigrants, were born into a different culture to digital natives, so their way of thinking is different, even though they are in the same environment and interacting with each other. Therefore, the aim of our research is to analyze effective interpersonal communication styles and find solutions in the hope of minimizing conflicts related to generational differences that occur in the field of education, especially higher education. The method used is literature observation adapted to the topic of discussion.</p> Nafiska Sayekti Ariyani Aas Siti Aisah Eralda Birtha Alsabet ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-15 2024-01-15 2 6 Inovasi sosial ntuk perubahan positif terhadap generasi Z sebagai Agent Of Change <p>This journal examines social innovation for positive change by generation z in response to the ongoing social challenges of the digital era. This research is a means to explore several projects that aim to create positive change, and make Pancasila an inspiration for generation z to innovate, improve the quality of life, and realize a more advanced society.</p> Muhammad Alwi ahmad muallam fadli lalu jawil kurniawan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-15 2024-01-15 2 6 Pancasila dan nilai-nilai keagamaan <p>This journal describes an in-depth study of the harmony between Pancasila as the basis of the Indonesian State and religious values, as well as the challenges in a society that has religious and multicultural characteristics. Pancasila as the guideline for the Indonesian nation is based on five principles. The main points in this journal include the relationship between the State and Religion which need each other, where religion provides harmony in the nation and state while the State guarantees religious life, as well as covering the role of religion in the formation of public policy, and its challenges in religious and multicultural societies.</p> Dwi Ananda Putri Maulid Hotibul Umam Faizur Rosyid Azhari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-15 2024-01-15 2 6 Loyalitas nasabah mobile banking BSI <p>This research investigates the factors that influence Mobile Banking customer loyalty at Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) in Malang City, with a focus on service quality, trust, and customer satisfaction as mediators. The research results show that service quality has a significant positive influence on customer loyalty, which is partly mediated by customer satisfaction. However, customer trust does not significantly mediate the relationship between customer trust and loyalty. These findings provide insight into the importance of service quality in building Mobile Banking customer loyalty, while also recognizing the role of customer satisfaction as a mediator in the relationship. Practical implications involve expanding banking strategies to improve service quality and understanding the mediating role of customer satisfaction to achieve sustainable customer loyalty.</p> Elyzzatul Aini ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-15 2024-01-15 2 6 Penyebaran nilai-nilai pancasila di era generasi Z dengan cara diterapkan pada suatu hal yang umum seperti seni, musik, film, dan budaya digital <p>This journal discusses the dissemination of Pancasila values among Generation Z through application in common aspects such as art, music, film and pop culture. Through an in-depth analysis of trends and influences in the digital age, this research explores how the fundamental values of Pancasila can be effectively conveyed and received in contemporary forms of expression. The discussion provides extensive insights into the role of media and popular art in shaping Generation Z's perception and understanding of Pancasila values in this modern era, as well as its implications for the formation of national character and identity amidst the dynamics of modern culture. So that generation Z also does not forget the important role of Pancasila in today's era.</p> Yoga Ardiansah Muhammad Fiqri Haikal Ridwan Ahmad Imdad Ahzam Jazuli ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-15 2024-01-15 2 6 Pengaruh kinerja karyawan, kualitas pelayanan dan kualitas produk terhadap kepuasan nasabah Bank Syariah Indonesia <p>In the era of globalization, banking services have become an important part of the lives of urban and rural communities, amidst increasingly fierce business competition. The main key to retaining customers and achieving competitive advantage is service quality. In the context of sharia banking, Islamic principles encourage fair and non-discriminatory service to customers. Despite intense business competition, the Islamic banking sector shows positive growth, meeting the demand for financial services in accordance with sharia principles. Customer satisfaction is the main focus in maintaining the company's existence, influenced by service quality, product quality and employee performance. This research shows that employee performance has a positive effect on customer satisfaction at Bank Syariah Indonesia, with a significant statistical test result of 0.345. However, it is necessary to improve the AVE (Average Variance Extracted) values of the variables (0.277 customer satisfaction, 0.157 employee performance, 0.240 service quality, and 0.270 product quality) to increase the reliability of the research. This research provides an in-depth contribution regarding the influence of these factors in Bank Syariah Indonesia, especially in the Mojokerto Branch, filling the gaps in previous research.</p> Diwika Fatah Arrozaq ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-15 2024-01-15 2 6 Upaya peningkatan kemampuan kognitif melalui media pembelajaran RE- MATH pada materi bangun ruang <p><em>The world of education is inseparable from the learning process which includes teachers, students, and the learning environment that influence each other in order to achieve learning objectives. Media is one of the supporting factors for achieving learning objectives. This is related to the use of appropriate and varied media in the learning process and can improve the cognitive abilities of students in mathematics, especially in geometric material. The purpose of implementing this learning media is to improve students' cognitive abilitiesthrough RE-MATH learning media on geometric material. The method used is a collaborative method with 18 class VI students at SDN 2 Palaan. The result of the implementation of RE-MATH learning media is that there is a cognitive change to learning satisfaction because playing cards will trigger the imagination and mindset of students to be more developed and challenging. </em></p> Imroatul Fitria ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-15 2024-01-15 2 6 Articulate storyline sebagai media dan sumber belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh <p>Articulate storyline is a software application that functions as a support in learning. The application has a menu feature like Microsoft's PowerPoint which is based on presentation points. This application makes learning projects more interesting by using a combination of moving animation features, backsounds and interactive images and videos. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness, understanding and description of the Articulate storyline application. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach which describes the results by observing and studying the literature on the Articulate storyline application. This application is suggested as a solution to challenges that occur in the world of education today, namely learning that can occur anytime and anywhere. So the Articulate Storyline application can be a learning support solution.</p> Maulidhotur Ro'iyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-15 2024-01-15 2 6 Pemanfaatan media oleh guru bimbingan konseling dalam pelaksanaan bimbingan dan konseling di sekolah <p>In the guidance and counseling service, not many still think that they are a terrible figure for students. Whereas in the implementation of guidance and counseling has a goal to be able to help students to be able to solve problems and develop the potential that is in him. There is a figure behind the guidance and counseling services who are required to be skilled both creatively and effectively in services such as the use of media in their implementation. So this article aims to find out the use of guidance and counseling media in the implementation of guidance and counseling by guidance and counseling teachers.</p> muhammad burhanudin muzaqi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-15 2024-01-15 2 6 Dampak kecanduan game pada anak anak <p>The advancement of technology has created various forms of modern entertainment, including electronic games. Games have become an integral part of society's life, including among children. However, the unrestricted freedom to play games has the potential to trigger addiction, especially among children. Game addiction has significant negative impacts on children, particularly in psychological aspects such as changes in emotions and behavior. This study aims to identify the impacts of game addiction and its correlation with changes in emotions and behavior in children. The study utilizes the systematic literature review (SLR) method to investigate relevant articles and previous research journals. The research findings indicate that game addiction in children brings about varying negative impacts that directly affect changes in their emotions and behavior. Consequently, it can be concluded that there is a connection between the impacts of game addiction and changes in emotions and behavior in children.</p> Annisa Rani Anggraini ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-15 2024-01-15 2 6 Analisis penggunaan media diorama bagi siswa kelas V di MI Miftahul Ulum Batu untuk menarik minat belajar pada mata pelajaran IPS <p>This aim of this researh is to determine the results of the Analysis using Diorama Media for Class V Students at MI Miftahul Ulum Batu to Attract Interest in Studying Social science Subjects. The use of learning media is needed to create a fun learning atmosphere for students. By using learning media, students have a high interest in learning in following the learning process carried out. One of the learning media that can be used in the learning process is the Diorama media.By using this media it is hoped that students can get a attractive learning experience and can master social science subjects&nbsp; well. Because it is very important to use learning media in the learning process, based on the results of research on the use of Diorama media in class V MI Miftahul Ulum it can attract students' interest in learning social science subjects. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, trough interview and observation collection techniques.The need to use learning media requires a teacher who is ready to create innovations in the learning process. The results of this study indicate that the use of Diorama media for fifth grade students of MI Miftahul Ulum can attract students' interest in studying social studies&nbsp;subjects.</p> Rena Widayanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-15 2024-01-15 2 6 Penerapan multiplicative congruential random number generator pada objek game dalam game 3D “Letters Hijaiyah” <p>This study tries to design a game by applying artificial intelligence Multiplicative Congruential Random Number Generator. Random Number Generator (RNG) is a program for generating an irregular sequence of numbers or symbols. In this study, the Random Number Generator used is the Multiplicative Congruential Random Number Generator (MCRNG) on the Hijaiyah letter object Game to produce objects that appear randomly and irregularly, so that players will not easily choose objects. The use of this generator is intended so that players get a challenge in choosing hijaiyah objects whose objects come out randomly. The result of this research is a fun educational-based 3D game by applying the Congruential Multiplicative Random Number Generating Algorithm so that hijaiyah letter objects appear randomly and players can choose hijaiyah letters according to the commands from the system. So that the games made will not make players bored to play this game and players indirectly carry out learning activities about hijaiyah letters.</p> Mohamad Arif Abdul Syukur ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-15 2024-01-15 2 6 indonesia <p>The results of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) education program that did not meet the minimal criteria for success (KKM) in the math curriculum for the 2022–2023 school year at MAN 2 Blitar represent the largest challenge in the X–B math curriculum. Peneliti siswa resolves the issue in question by doing research and analyzing the results of that research. 1) The Android learning environment may be included in the mathematics curriculum at X-B MAN 2 Blitar during the academic year 2022/2023. This is evident in every instance of a student who is eager to attend class and take the advice of their teacher in order to raise their grade point average and improve their learning outcomes. 2) Mathematical material learning results for students in grade Blitar. Nilai rata-rata tes rata-rata 76,96, persentase ketuntasan 71%, and diperoleh hasil rata-rata Siklus III was expected to be 88,57 at ketuntasan 100% in the nilai rata-rata Siklus III.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Rhevita Wahyu Safitri ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-15 2024-01-15 2 6 Penyusunan skala psikologi untuk mengukur perilaku konsumtif berbelanja online pada mahasiswi <p>The preparation of this psychological scale aims to gain a deeper understanding of online shopping behavior patterns. In preparing the scale using a quantitative approach with one variable, namely consumptive behavior. The data collection technique was carried out using the Likert scaling model. The research uses a questionnaire that refers to the theory of consumptive behavior by Fromm (1995), which consists of fulfilling needs, goods out of reach, goods being unproductive, and status. The questionnaire was distributed to 72 respondents with 32 questionnaire items, with a reliability of 0.890, and a corrected item-total correlation value &gt; 0.30. From the results of compiling this scale, it was found that this measuring instrument was reliable and could be used to measure consumptive online shopping behavior among UIN Malang psychology students class of 2021.</p> Ayu Azhari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Hukum menyebarkan berita palsu/hoax menurut Al-Qur’an dan UU ITE <p>In this modern era, social media is very close to us, so access to news is very easy. But not least on social media there is news that is not true or hoax. As knowledgeable Muslims we are obliged to have good behavior. One of them is Avoiding the behavior of telling lies and slandering people. In accordance with Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning information and transactions, anyone who commits fake news or hoaxes will be fined. False news spreaders will be fined Rp. 1 billion, if unable to pay will be punished with imprisonment for a maximum of 6 years. Fake news or hoaxes, Al-Qur'an greetings also mention the word Slander, behavior that is repeatedly explained in the Muslim holy book Al-Qur'an. Slander which means a lie or untruth, something that is conveyed with the intention of someone to injure his honor. In the Qur'an there are many explanations and prohibitions about avoiding lying and or slander, as one of them is in Surah Al-Hujurat verse 6 which tells us to check the news we receive first so that we don't get hurt because of stupidity, and Surah An-Nur who explains the punishment for people who spread fake news contained in verse 11.</p> Siti Nur Atikoh ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Implementasi metode agile pada manajemen proyek sistem pomogym di Odoo 16 <p>This study discusses the implementation of project management using the Odoo 16 Webservice in the Pomogym system. This study analyzes the features of the Odoo 16 Webservice and explores its application in project management at Pomogym. The research findings show that the use of the Odoo 16 Webservice can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of project management at Pomogym. The Odoo 16 webservice offers features such as task management, project scheduling, progress monitoring, and team collaboration that contribute to project planning and execution. This study also identified several challenges in implementing the Odoo 16 Webservice, including the initial learning curve, integration with the existing Pomogym system, and the need for user support and training. This research provides valuable insights for organizations wishing to improve their project management capabilities in the Pomogym system by implementing the Odoo 16 Webservice.</p> Veri Verdiansyah Muhammad Abdul Ghani Supriyono Supriyono ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Prediksi jumlah pengunjung webstie resmi Kabupaten Malang menggunakan metode autoregresive integreted moving average <p>This study aims to predict the number of visitors to the official website using the ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) method. Visitors to the official website are an important indicator in measuring the level of interaction and public interest in the information provided by local governments. In order to improve forecasting accuracy, the first step is to analyze visitor historical data to identify patterns and trends that may exist. Next, testing the stationarity of the data using ACF (Autocorrelation Function) and PACF (Partial Autocorrelation Function) to determine the correct forecasting steps. From the results of the analysis, it was found that the official website visitor data does not have a stationary nature, so it is necessary to do differencing to get stationary data in order to build the ARIMA model. After that, the next step is to determine the most suitable ARIMA model parameters by analyzing the ACF and PACF values from the differentiated data. With the specified model parameters, the validity of the ARIMA model is tested using actual visitor data.</p> Lengga Priyani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Penaganan permasalahan sampah di TPA Tlekung Kota Batu <p>This research has been undermined by the problems that have occurred in the TPA village of Tlekung city of Batu. Waste is a remnant of the everyday mass of household garbage, organic, inorganic and hazardous waste of such kinds. Many impacts will be achieved if one of the impacts is not disposed of, that is, if it is continuously collected or accumulated and there is no disposal, it will result in environmental damage, underground water pollution, air to the flow of waste into the river, and the release of unpleasant odors that can disturb society. This research is aimed at finding out how to solve the problem of garbage smell that exists in TPA Tlekung city of Stone. This research uses literation methods, the problem that is in the TPA tlekung that is the smell of trash that is present in Tpa, from the presence of such smell makes the town unbearable with its stinginging smell which makes uncomfortable people around. From the problem Pj Mayor of the City of Batu Aries paewai come down hands to deal with the smell of garbage that is in the TPA village Tlekung. With a waste disposal program with a reuse, reduce, and recycle system (TPS 3R) in every village and village, local residents participated in the waste treatment program made by the municipal governor of Batu.</p> Amelia Rochima Wati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Meningkatkan hasil belajar dan aktivitas belajar siswa dengan metode think pair share pada materi bangun ruang kubus kelas V di SDN Baturetno 02 Desa Baturetno Kecamatan Singosari <p>Mathematics learning at SDN Baturetno 02 often uses a one-way learning method, which means the teacher explains more than invites discussion. Occasionally there is a question and answer session, but students are reluctant to ask questions, maybe only one or two people ask. Learning like this is considered very unattractive and less efficient. To overcome these problems, the Think Pair Share (TPS) learning method was applied. This study aims to increase student learning outcomes and learning activities through the Think Pair Share learning method. This research was conducted by pre-test and post-test as well as control group discussion forums. For pre-test and post-test questions to find out student learning outcomes after and before the Think Pair Share method is applied, while for student learning activities using observational analysis during class learning. The material presented regarding cubic shapes starts looking for side lengths, volumes, and making nets. The results of the study show that learning outcomes improve more, as can be seen from the post-test scores which are better than the pre-test. Learning activities have also greatly increased, because students can enjoy learning more in class.</p> Hanidah Aulia Nurfiani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Menerapkan metode pembelajaran kuis interaktif berbasis centimeter pada mata pelajajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam <p>This study intends to find out whether the application of a meter-based interactive quiz learning approach to Islamic Religious Education (PAI) subjects results in an increase in student learning outcomes. Classroom Action Research (CAR) is the research methodology used. The sample for this research consisted of 21 fifth grade students at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Malang. This research uses one pre-cycle stage and two cycle stages with various actions in its implementation. The first two cycles used a meter-based interactive quiz learning approach with several treatments, while the pre-cycle was carried out using the lecture learning method. Each cycle will be assessed by quizzes to find out whether the meter-based interactive quiz learning approach has improved student learning outcomes. The average student score in the pre-cycle was 45.7 and only 14.3% of students completed the KKM. The student pass percentage was 38.1%, while student learning outcomes in the first cycle assessment were 72.4. With a graduation rate of 100% and an average student score in the previous cycle of 91.4, all students met the KKM of 75.</p> Leni Mailani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Unsur-unsur pendidikan <p>The elements of education are key components in effective learning processes. Educational objectives provide direction, while content encompasses relevant learning materials. Teaching methods determine the way information is delivered, and assessment measures goal achievement. The learning environment plays a role in creating a positive learning context, and educators have a central role in guiding learners. The harmonious integration of these elements is crucial in developing impactful and holistic education.</p> Ema Ummiyatul Khusnah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Urgensi dan inovasi pendidikan agama Islam di perguruan tinggi umum <p>This article reviews how Islamic Religious education is in the public tertiary environment. Which in this discussion shows the value of urgency or how important Islamic Religious education is in public tertiary institutions. This article is very useful for students especially, which provides an understanding of the importance of this discussion. Because, nowadays there are so many people who forget to apply Islamic values ​​on campus, such as ethics towards God, teachers, between friends, and so on. There are even those who think that these religious values ​​are an obstacle to development in education, even though these values ​​create advanced or superior education, as well as create prosperity, which is caused by the inculcation of religious values ​​in students. This type of article is a research article. Which data sources used are primary and secondary data, and researchers in their research use secondary data, such as journals, and so on. Therefore, in his research he did not go directly to the object. The impact of this discussion is to instill in young people, especially students, the urgency of Islamic religious education at public universities. Which of these results in students who excel and have religious character in their lives, thus creating an interesting educational atmosphere, namely a combination of academic and religious values ​​that go hand in hand.</p> Arya Hanan Nafidz ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Implementasi manajemen pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial <p>In every study, both in formal and non-formal education, it must be based on existing national education goals. Education has the goal of developing the potential of students to become people of faith and piety, character, noble character, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible state. However, education in Indonesia currently has not fully answered this problem. In other words, education in Indonesia has not been able to fully form a young generation that is superior and has character. The superiority of the younger generation can be formed through a series of efforts to increase student achievement, while student character can be formed through moral example obtained in character education. Through character education it is hoped that positive transformation will occur which can grow, develop and change bad character to be good. From here the presence of social studies learning as a vehicle for achieving national education goals and character education. The writing method was carried out by means of a literature review (literary study). The character education strategy in social studies learning includes the planning stage of developing character sets, which includes writing syllabuses, lesson plans, (adding or modifying the development of character values), preparing teaching materials (adding learning activities with character education from a process standpoint), and learning media (for example the teacher develops used goods, students will develop creativity and love for the environment). Teachers can use fun active learning strategies when carrying out learning, including active learning through the team building method. This approach is to instill character values ​​such as cooperation, caring, friendliness, peace-loving, communication, democracy, and tolerance. At the results assessment stage, well-designed measurements (assessments) and continuous improvement are carried out to determine student character achievements. The selected and implemented assessment techniques and devices do not only measure knowledge or cognitive attainment, but also measure students' attitudes and personalities. The assessment techniques can be carried out by means of written tests, oral tests, performance tests, individual/group assignments, observation, portfolio assessment, observation sheets, self-assessment (with evaluation sheets/questionnaires) and assessments between classmates.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Sahiyatul Mahbubah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Management strategy for curriculum development for Islamic Education Institutions and implementation in the era of society 5.0 <p>An Islamic educational institution is an organization that carries out a learning process that has the aim of educating future generations. One of the efforts to improve the quality of education is the curriculum. The curriculum as a basic material supporting components with one another. This component contains objectives, learning materials, methods, and evaluations in which a system is needed that is interrelated and works together to achieve appropriate educational goals. The curriculum runs dynamically following the demands of the times. This article will discuss the management of curriculum development and its implementation in the era of society 5.0. Curriculum development management leads to the process of fostering attitudes, knowledge and skills that will benefit life in the face of the fast flow of technology. So that the existence of technology will not affect the process of internalization and religious attitudes related to the era of society 5.0</p> Firda Miftahul Maghfiroh ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Pentingnya Pendidikan Islam dalam membentuk karakteristik anak <p>The impotent of Islamic education in shaping children's character is a very big hope for society to make a child who can get a good education and character, so that he becomes a man of character, has a noble personality, and can live a life in accordance with Islamic law. Islamic education in essence is as a vehicle for the formation of human character with high morality. In Islamic teachings, morality or morality cannot be separated from faith. Faith is an acknowledgment of the heart in believing in Allah SWT. Education is very important for children because it can educate children to achieve their dreams. One of the educations that are planted from an early age is religious education, especially Islamic education for us as Muslims.</p> Inda Permatasari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Kawasan problematik Pendidikan Islam <p>Human knowledge can progress from the lowest level to the highest. Education has the ability to propel the existing education system in Indonesia to the forefront and produce competent, talented, and morally upright students. Education is invaluable and indispensable in daily life. Considering the significance of education, the government must be prepared to address the challenges and provide solutions that educational institutions in Indonesia will face. These challenges will always necessitate the involvement of the government. There are numerous issues affecting educational institutions in Indonesia, which can disrupt their functioning. Examples include inadequate infrastructure, declining teacher quality, and the need to instill moral values in adolescents. Educational institutions have been proactive in devising the best solutions to tackle these problems. In summary, the importance of education in acquiring knowledge and shaping competent and morally upright individuals. The government must actively address the various challenges faced by educational institutions, such as inadequate infrastructure, declining teacher quality, and the need to instill moral values. By doing so, the education system in Indonesia can thrive and produce well-rounded individuals capable of discerning between right and wrong, avoiding negative influences.</p> Lisa Nur Alif Alfiatin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Peran Guru IPS dalam menumbuhkan sikap peduli sosial siswa di MTsN 1 Pasuruan <p>The purpose of this research is to find out how the social studies teacher's role is in fostering a socially caring attitude of students at MTsN 1 Pasuruan. This research uses descriptive qualitative research with data collection techniques through interviews. This research was conducted at MTsN 1 Pasuruan with 2 social studies teachers and 21 students as informants. The results of this study are the social studies teacher's role in fostering social attitudes of students at MTsN 1 Pasuruan. Examples of this social care attitude are visiting sick friends, helping around, maintaining cleanliness, and so on. The conclusion of this study is the important role of social studies teachers in fostering social care attitudes in students, especially in everyday life and the people around them.</p> Ulya Sari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 The influence of changes to the independent curriculum on the learning outcomes of school students in Indonesia <p>In order to achieve education, a curriculum is needed as teaching material and maintain the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process in schools. Education Minister Nadiem Makarim initiated a new curriculum, namely the "independent learning curriculum" which has been used starting in 2022. This curriculum reaps many pros and cons regarding the effect of this curriculum change on student learning outcomes. This study aims to analyze and collect data on the relationship between the change of independent curriculum and the learning outcomes of school students in Indonesia. For this reason, further understanding is needed to deepen insight into these activities. Researchers use qualitative methods, namely techniques for collecting data based on previous research and online reference sources by taking keywords on the importance of student learning outcomes, the Merdeka curriculum, and the influence of curriculum changes as online reference sources.</p> Tarisa Nurul Anggraeni ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Kedudukan saham, efek, dan obligasi sebagai objek jaminan gadai <p>This research discusses the position of shares, securities, and bonds as objects of pawn collateral within the applicable legal framework. In the context of pawn financing, the question of the legal status of shares, securities, and bonds as movable objects that can be used as collateral becomes the main concern. Through an analysis of relevant legal norms, including Article 60 Paragraph 1 of the Land Registration Law (UUPT) and Article 1152 Paragraph (1) of the Civil Code (KUHPerdata), this study presents arguments in favor of the view that shares, securities, and bonds can be considered as valid objects of pledge.</p> Atiyyatul Karimah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Menciptakan inovasi pelayanan publik melalui kompetisi inovasi pelayanan publik di Kota Malang <p>The government is obliged to serve the community which can be in the form of providing innovative public services to support various community needs, form a prosperous society, and provide satisfaction to the community. Public services are all activities as an effort to fulfil service needs by statutory regulations for every citizen and resident for goods, services and/or administrative services provided by public service providers as an effort to fulfil the needs of service recipients and implement statutory provisions. The problem of public services in Indonesia is quite a serious issue, considering that Indonesia is a densely populated country and results in an increase in demands for public services from the public. The research method used is qualitative research, the data is collected through interview techniques, observation, and documentation. From the results of the research, it was found that the Organizational Section of the Regional Secretariat of Malang City as the coach of public service providers held an annual mandatory program namely the "Public Service Innovation Competition" to create public service innovations in the city of Malang so that people would trust again to get the best and quality public services.</p> Ula Ulza Hilda Rochma ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Penerapan Tasawuf Modern menurut pemikiran Hamka dalam profesi akuntan publik <p>Sufism can be understood as one of the Islamic philosophies that has a purpose for the zuhud of the World. However, because it has been mixed a lot with other countries and nations, not a few have also entered the study of religion from other nations. Later, Sufism was understood as a divine potential that served to design world civilization and historical patterns. Taswuf also gives color to various activities, such as political, economic,&nbsp;cultural and social. Modern Sufism itself already has several sources of thought, namely modern Sufism according to Hamka's thought and modern Sufism according to the thought of Nasaruddin Umar.</p> Azka Al Aa’zza ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Semiotic analysis of beauty representation in Pantene miracles supplement daily advertisement version of Maudy Ayunda <p>Semiotics Analysis of Beauty Representation in Pantene Miracles Supplement Daily Version Maudy Ayunda advertisement through Youtube media which aims to analyze, describe and know the meaning of beauty advertisements hosted by Maudy Ayunda based on icons, symbols and also indexes in Pantene Miracles Supplement Daily advertisements using research in the field of semiotics. This research aims to analyze the overall beauty in the Pantene Miracles Supplement Daily advertisement version of Maudy as the advertisement model and identify signs of beauty through icons, indexes, and symbols contained in the advertisement using Charles S. Pierce's semiotic theory. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. This is because this research activity will produce descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from something observed. Qualitative research is more descriptive. The data collected is in words or images, so it does not emphasize numbers. Based on the results of research and discussion, the representation of beauty in the advertisement Pantene Miracles Supplement Daily Version Maudy Ayunda, there are 19 icon signs, 5 index signs, and 12 symbol signs. In the icon, index, and symbol type signs of beauty, one of them is represented through Maudy Ayunda's appearance with hair conditions and in the form of a narrator's voice from Pantene advertisements.</p> Ihsan Alfa Cahyadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Pengaruh gaya hidup konsumtif terhadap moral remaja <p>The development of globalization creates many phenomena and has various impacts on humans in real life. One example is the creation of a wasteful lifestyle that affects the morals of society, especially among teenagers. This is due to the pattern of social interaction among adolescents influenced by globalization, namely patterns of interaction that use attributes or symbols to show their self-image. Thus, many teenagers change themselves to be accepted in social groups. Many think buying branded, glamorous and contemporary goods will take them by these groups. Without realizing it, this consumptive lifestyle hurts the morale of teenagers. One example is that teenagers will be lazy, wasteful, and don't care about the future. In addition, the extravagant culture of life is also contrary to Pancasila's morality.</p> Putri Nur Kholishoh Maisaroh ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Peran bahasa dalam perkembangan budaya <p>The language used by the speaking community can reflect the full range of their lives. So that the function of language as a means of communication and interaction between humans becomes more complete with the impact of this self-reflection. So by comparing language use, it can help efforts in developing your own culture. With quantitative research, either descriptive by collecting some data and conclusions obtained from direct experiments or in the form of quantitative experiments by examining realities that occur in the near term and within the closest scope, it can provide results that the development of culture has changed a little and a lot of the use of the Indonesian language, especially in the Java area.</p> Aflaha Darajati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Integrasi matematika <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>Matematika memiliki hubungan yang erat dengan nilai-nilai Al-qur’an melalui pembelajaran matematika dengan proses belajar yang dilakukan oleh pendidik dan peserta didik guna untuk menjadikan peserta didik mampu dan faham mengenai konsep matematis sesuai dengan tujuan dan teori matematika yang diintegrasikan dengan Al-qur’an. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pembelajaran matemaatika yang terintegrasi dengan nilai Al-qur’an pada materi persamaan linear dua variabel. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi literatur dengan pendekatan terpadu antara Al-qur’an dan matematika. Langkah penelitian kajian literatur ini dengan mencari referensi kemudian diringkas dan dianalisa sehingga diperoleh bentuk model integrasi dalam materi persamaan linear dua variabel menggunakan model pengembangan Mathematics from Al-qur’an. Salah satu bentuk integrasi persamaan linear dua variabel dengan Al-qur’an terdapat pada QS. Al-baqarah ayat 234.</em></p> Marsela Wanda Pratiwi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Perencanaan dan pembuatan animasi “Antri itu Islam” menggunakan blender <p>In the current digital era, there are numerous alternatives for learning media, one of which is 3D animation. The progress of time has greatly facilitated parents, teachers, and other educators in imparting Islamic teachings to children. 3D animation has become one of the most widely used alternatives, as it not only easily captures children's attention but is also comprehensible to them. This 3D animation refers to animated characters that are greatly favored by children. The creation of the "Antri Itu Islam" animation can be accomplished using software like "Blender." This software is highly useful in animation creation, coloring, background design, as well as providing structure and control to 3D characters. The production of this animation is hoped to aid educators and parents in teaching children the significance of queuing (waiting in line) according to Islamic teachings.</p> Yuzema Mala Nazira ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Pendidikan umum dan keagamaan: Mahasiswa mondok di pesantren <p>The aim of this research is to determine the role of combining general and religious education in shaping the character of students studying at Islamic boarding schools. The methods used are observation, interviews and literature review. The results of this research show that combining general and religious education in the education of students at Islamic boarding schools creates great potential for them to become agents of social change. With a deep understanding of social issues, honed critical thinking, and strong religious values, they can make significant contributions in creating a better and more just society.</p> Ahmad Ulul Mahasin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-23 2024-01-23 2 6 Peran tingkat kualitas pelayanan terhadap minat nasabah dalam memilih asuransi syariah <p>The aim of this research is to determine the role of service quality levels on customer interest in choosing sharia insurance. This research is quantitative research with a survey method. Good service quality greatly influences customer confidence in choosing sharia insurance products. In this study, all respondents chose sharia insurance companies with better service quality, even though the premiums offered were slightly higher. Thus, it can be seen that the quality of products provided by insurance companies is primarily responsible for the production of insurance products. Therefore, sharia insurance companies need to prioritize service quality as an important factor in retaining existing customers and attracting new customers.</p> suryati suryati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Pemanfaatan metode pose to pose dalam pembuatan animasi 3d islami ‘Beli Sepatu’ untuk mengungkap nilai- nilai islami <p>This research examines the use of the pose-to-pose method in the design of Islamic 3D animation titled "Beli Sepatu". The aim is to apply the pose-to-pose technique in creating Islamic 3D animations. This method prioritizes planning key poses to produce smooth and expressive animations. The study involves three &nbsp;stages: &nbsp;pre-production, production,&nbsp; and &nbsp;post-production. Key &nbsp;poses &nbsp;serve &nbsp;as &nbsp;the &nbsp;animator's reference in building the animation as a whole. Implementation is carried out using Blender. The research findings indicate that employing the pose-to-pose method in the Islamic 3D animation "Beli Sepatu" results in a smooth, expressive animation capable of conveying Islamic messages. This method provides a systematic framework and assists animators in efficiently organizing character movements. The research holds importance in delivering high-quality Islamic 3D animations that inspire and educate, utilizing appropriate design techniques. Therefore, this study recommends the use of the pose-to-pose method in Islamic 3D animation design to achieve superior results and effectively communicate Islamic messages.</p> Afiifah Zain Raidah Fresy Nugroho Juniardi Nur Fadila ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Determinan implementasi Central Bank Digital Currency sebagai perwujudan terhadap inklusi keuangan di Indonesia <p>The Garuda Central Bank Digital Currency (CDBC) or digital currency project is a technological innovation and change in people's behavior to become a form of digital community financial inclusion. This writing uses literature study, namely reviewing several sources such as journals, articles, books and so on. The Garuda project currently being implemented certainly requires time and very detailed analysis and requires a lot of trials and evaluations to avoid unwanted risks.</p> Nia Zairotul Ma'rifah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-23 2024-01-23 2 6 Peran strategis public relations dalam mengembangkan Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah Pasca Covid-19 <p>The purpose of this article is to explore the crucial role of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in facing economic challenges, particularly in crisis situations in Indonesia. The research method includes an analysis of MSME legal aspects based on Law Number 20 of 2008, as well as operational strategies for managing stores. The results of the analysis indicate that MSMEs have become the primary choice for individuals who have experienced job terminations from large companies post-crisis. The rapid progress of MSMEs is reflected in the increased number of business units and job opportunities available. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a significant increase in online transactions by MSMEs, indicating their success in adapting to physical restrictions. The analysis also identifies constraints such as product availability and price increases, with solutions such as providing adequate stock and transparent pricing explanations. In this context, product quality and digital transformation are key factors in maintaining the success of MSMEs. Overall, MSMEs play a vital role in the Indonesian economy, and continuous support, both in terms of regulations and business innovation, is essential to ensure the sustainability and positive impact of this sector on the national economy.</p> Haliza Chafifatun Nisa ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 2 6 Penentuan kadar vitamin c pada jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantiifolia) dan cabai rawit (Capsicum frutescens) <p>Vitamins are one of the important substances needed by humans. Vitamins can keep the body healthy and can help the metabolic process to run well. One type of vitamin is vitamin C or L-ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is an acidic compound with the empirical formula C6H8O6 molecular weight = 176.12 g/mol) which is also a sugar acid found in many fresh fruits and vegetables (Ariani &amp; Muhsin, 2023). The research at this time aims to determine the levels of vitamin C in lime (<em>Citrus aurantiifolia</em>) and cayenne pepper (<em>Capsicum frutescens</em>) by iodometric titration by doing two repetitions on each sample. This iodometric titration method is a method that is widely used because it does not require large costs, is simple, and does not require complicated laboratory equipment. The results of this study were obtained vitamin C levels in lime (<em>Citrus aurantiifolia</em>) as much as 0.1736% and cayenne pepper (<em>Capsicum frutescens</em>) as much as 0.25%.</p> Zilvia Inayatul Ma'la ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Pembelajaran sain integratif dalam meningkatkan pemahaman materi nutrisi dan gizi <p>Concepts in science material have characteristics related to concepts in one subject matter, between materials and with concepts outside other concepts or with other disciplines. To be able to understand this concept, an integrative understanding of the concept is needed. One of the materials that require an integrative understanding is material about nutrition and nutrition. This study used a descriptive design to describe an integrative understanding of nutrients and nutrition materials. The method used<em> In this study, proximate analysis was carried out with analytical principles on white glutinous rice and black glutinous rice. This study aims to determine the nutritional content in the sample. The results showed that there were differences in total nutrient content in white glutinous rice and black glutinous rice. Carbohydrate content of white sticky rice (0.417%), black sticky rice (2.178%); protein content of white sticky rice (0.075%), black sticky rice (0.97%); ascorbic acid content of white sticky rice (0.6%), black sticky rice (0.112%); fat content of white sticky rice (-3.6%), black sticky rice (0.00216%); White sticky rice and black&nbsp;</em><em>sticky rice do not contain formaldehyde, borax and dyes. White sticky rice water content (10%), black sticky rice (23.97%), white sticky rice carotene content (-3.7x10^-4%), black sticky rice (0.2827%), white sticky rice ash content (0.476%) , black sticky rice (1.5379%), mineral content of white sticky rice (3.043%), black sticky rice (1.913%), and white sticky rice amylase activity (-2.61 units/micromol), black sticky rice (1.13205 units/ micromoles).</em></p> Adelia Nur Aziza Fitri Aisah Fandy ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-01-23 2024-01-23 2 6 Berbagai pendekatan manajemen supervise pendidikan <p>In the field of education and teaching, supervisors are needed who can dialogue and help personal and professional growth so that everyone experiences personal and professional growth. The educational supervision approach used in modern supervision is based on psychological principles. There are three approaches, namely (1) Directive Approach, which is an approach to problems that are direct; (2) Non-directive approach, which is an approach to problems that are indirect in nature; (3) The collaborative approach is an approach that combines directive and non-directive approaches into a new approach. The principal is obliged to manage the running of the school and can also work with the community, inspire teachers and school staff to work better, build and maintain kinship, cohesiveness and unity between teachers, staff and students. students, develop the school curriculum, know the school plan and know how to implement it, care for and promote the well-being of teachers and staff. Supervision can be carried out by the school principal who acts as a supervisor, although in a modern educational organizational system a special supervisor is needed who is more independent, and can increase objectivity in coaching and carrying out his duties. The function of supervision or supervision in education is not just control to see whether all activities have been carried out according to the plans and programs outlined, but more than that. Supervision in education has a broader meaning. Supervision activities include determining the conditions or requirements for personnel and materials needed to create an effective teaching and learning situation, and efforts to fulfill these conditions.</p> Mufliha Rahma M Saleh ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Factors affecting stock prices in the capital market <p><em>Stock prices are important for an investor to know before buying shares in the capital market. A better understanding of the factors that affect stock prices can help them make more informed and effective investment decisions. In addition, this research can also provide valuable insights in designing better investment strategies and anticipating future stock price movements. This article aims to analyze the factors that affect a company's stock price. Through a review of the literature and previous studies in finance, several factors have strong potential to influence stock prices. These factors include the company's financial performance, interest rates, market sentiment, macroeconomic conditions, industry competition, dividend policy, global market conditions, and government policies. The results of this study have important implications for investors, financial analysts and decision makers in financial markets</em></p> Syifa Aulia Zhara Putri ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Dampak keberadaan influencer dalam promosi produk di TikTok terhadap minat pembelian melalui marketplace <p>This research aims to analyze the impact of influencers' presence in promoting products on the TikTok platform on consumer purchasing interest through marketplace platforms. The study focuses on identifying the influence of influencers in shaping perceptions, beliefs, and consumer buying interest regarding the products promoted on TikTok, as well as the implications of this relationship on purchasing decisions through marketplace platforms. Data utilized are sourced from relevant journal articles and books. Findings indicate that the role of influencers on TikTok in product promotion has undergone significant development alongside the growth of social media. Influencers have opened opportunities for marketing companies to engage with customers in a more personal and relevant manner. Through the utilization of parasocial connections and emotional bonds, influencers have successfully built credibility that influences consumer purchasing interest, thereby impacting purchasing decisions.</p> Nila Nailatul Magfiroh ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 Pancasila dan nilai agama <p><em>All living things, including humans, experience the cycle of life. From birth, born into the world, and continue to live there until humans die or die. Death is an unavoidable fact between the stages of human life. In islam, a believer believes that death occurs, cannot be avoided, requested, proposed, or postponed. In the media, some cases show some individuals deliberately hastening their deaths by committing suicide or euthanasia. However, people who are muslims should be grateful for allah's perfect creation. At-tin). This is because islam is a religion of rights, which regulates all kinds of problems of human life with various legal concepts and social values. This concept is taught to humans to practice so that they are happy in this world and in the hereafter. Similarly, pancasila whose implementation includes principles of life and laws for all acts of behavior.</em></p> Nurlatifatul Qolby Ibnatia Hasna Fawwaz Fajaricha Aurera Caereny ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 6 OPTIMALISASI TEKNOLOGI INFORMASI DAN KOMUNIKASI UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS TATA KELOLA MADRASAH ALIYAH DI ERA DIGITAL <p>This research aims to examine strategies for improving the quality of Madrasah Aliyah management in the digital era through the application of information and communication technology (ICT). Technological developments require Madrasah Aliyah to adapt and utilize ICT to increase management effectiveness and efficiency. However, ICT implementation still faces various challenges. The method used is literature study by analyzing various relevant sources. The results of the study show three main strategies: 1) development of an integrated madrasah management information system; 2) increasing ICT competency of human resources; and 3) strengthening ICT governance. The implementation of this strategy is expected to improve the quality of education services, increase stakeholder participation, and strengthen the competitiveness of madrasas. Successful implementation requires policy support, resource allocation, and commitment from all madrasa components to carry out digital transformation in a gradual and planned manner.</p> maratus sholikhah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-21 2024-04-21 2 6