The Legal Aspects of Importing Rice to Food Sovereignty in Indonesia

  • Nurul Nadia UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
  • Akhmad Farroh Hasan
Keywords: rice import; food sovereignty; maslahah


The rice import policy that issued by the minister of trade with the consideration of the lack of
rice supply became polemic because the policy was issued just before the harvest season
arrived. This caused turmoil for the farmers who were disadvantaged by the rice import
policy. This study aims to determine how rice imports should be carried out based on Law
Number 18 of 2012 concerning Food and maslahah mursalah to the implementation of food
sovereignty in Indonesia.This research was conducted using normative research methods
using normative case studies in the form of legal behavior products. The study was conducted
using a conceptual approach and the regulatory approach. The rice import policy that carried
out by the government is deemed incompatible with the ideals of food sovereignty and the
concept of maslahah mursalah. This happened because the policy makers do not look at the
sustainability of farmers’ business and ignore their welfare. Rice imports cause losses for
farmers and society in general. In addition, rice imports also have a negative impact on the
country's economy.


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