Memaksimalkan perkembangan teknologi informasi dalam mendukung perpustakaan umum pada era digital

  • Nur Latifa Program Studi Perpustakaan dan Ilmu Informasi, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: public libraries, information technology, digital era, facility, information service


The world of literacy has changed significantly as a result of advances in information technology. The library is a source of information that offers a variety of details on each collection. Technology is developing rapidly in the revolutionary era 4.0, so it is very important for librarians to stay abreast of current and future developments. The sophistication of public libraries is not only seen from the quality of the librarians, but also the facilities offered and served to their users. With the existence of various existing technological developments, at this time, libraries need to update some manual practices and adapt to new information technology. Public libraries in the modern era have various difficulties in their role as management institutions and sources of knowledge for the general public. Technology is advancing rapidly, it has been proven that public libraries can improve performance by offering the services needed by the community. The digital and technological era demands the readiness of librarians and libraries in all operational aspects. The ability to act as a guide, teacher, and facilitator is a must for librarians. On the other hand, ecosystem transformation must be supported by the use of information technology in libraries. Social media can be an effective and appropriate tool for libraries to use to improve user communication. Information Technology must be able to build an emotional connection between the community and the library so that it can make it easier for the public to circulate by allowing borrowing and returning books quickly and accurately. In addition, advances in information technology can help facilitate reference services in libraries.


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How to Cite
Latifa, N. (2023). Memaksimalkan perkembangan teknologi informasi dalam mendukung perpustakaan umum pada era digital. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 1(2), 79-85. Retrieved from