Cegah penipuan berdalih investasi dengan pemahaman mengenai investasi dan perbankan

Keywords: Investment, fraud, Investment Scam, Finance


Investment is a term that in general can be interpreted as an activity of investing in an asset so as to be able to get a profit. Investment is one of the important sectors of the economy. Indonesia's annual year-on-year (YOY) investment realization achievement, namely 34%. The increase in investment realization results in the emergence of crime opportunities in investment activities. Investments by some parties are used as an excuse to commit fraud for personal gain. Therefore, there is a fraudulent "investment scam" that needs to be watched out for. So it is necessary to get special attention To achieve a certain goal or outcome, it is necessary to take a specific action or follow a particular process. to be able to avoid the crime of fraud in money and valuables


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How to Cite
Adinugroho, M. (2024). Cegah penipuan berdalih investasi dengan pemahaman mengenai investasi dan perbankan. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(3). Retrieved from http://urj.uin-malang.ac.id/index.php/mij/article/view/4246