Penciptaan dan pembentukan janin manusia dalam pandangan Al-Quran, Hadist dan ilmu sains

  • Husaeri Husaeri Program Studi Biologi, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: Fetus, Stages, Phases, 'Alaqah, Mudghah


Humans are perfect creatures and are the best of all God's other creations. The creation of humans can be seen from two elements, namely the essence of the soil and the spirit, so one can see that the creation of humans can be collected into two, namely the creation of the first humans, namely the prophet Adam, Eve and the creation of the children of Adam. The fetus before becoming a baby which is then born goes through several developmental phases that occur in the mother's womb. Allah explains in the Qur'an that the phases of fetal development go through the stages of germ cells, namely sperm cells, then 'Alaqah, which is a clot of blood, mudghoh, which is a lump of flesh, finally izam and lahm, namely the formation of bones that are formed before the formation of muscles. In terms of the scientific process, the occurrence of humans occurs in three phases, namely the zygote phase, this phase begins when experiencing division until the end of the second week. The next phase is the embryo, this phase starts from the second week to the fourth week. Finally, the fetal phase is marked by a bulge, and on the fourth return the fetus is seen to be actively moving and the organs are complete.


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How to Cite
Husaeri, H. (2023). Penciptaan dan pembentukan janin manusia dalam pandangan Al-Quran, Hadist dan ilmu sains. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 1(4), 147-153. Retrieved from