Al-jurjani dan sejarah perkembangan ilmu balaghah

  • Lina Fatikasari Program Studi Ilmu al-Qur’an dan Tafsir, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: Al-Jurjani, Balaghah, History, Literature, Majaz


Balaghah, a literary theory born and developed in Arabia, also underwent the process of standardising concepts and theories like other sciences. The development of balaghah as one of the fields of Arabic studies cannot be separated from the study of i'jaz al-Qur'an itself. The study of balaghah at least experienced three periods of development, namely the early days of balaghah, then balaghah when it began to become a scientific study, and balaghah in the golden age. Balaghah itself contains at least three main studies, namely bayan, ma'ani and badi'. Apart from the study of balaghah which is now familiar among students, the majority of them do not know how the scientific history of balaghah so that it can become a scientific study as it is today. The author feels the need to conduct a study related to the history of the science of balaghah and the figures who played a major role in its development. Talking about balaghah cannot be separated from one of the famous figures in the discipline of balaghah, namely Abdul Qahir al-Jurjani. This article will explain the history of balaghah from the embryonic stage to be compiled into a science with a set of scientific theories. The historical approach is expected to reveal the historical facts related to the codification of balaghah from the beginning of its existence to its final development.


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How to Cite
Fatikasari, L. (2023). Al-jurjani dan sejarah perkembangan ilmu balaghah. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 1(4), 271-277. Retrieved from