The role of emotion in the creation of poetry

  • Huzaimatuz Zahra Department of English Literature, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: poetry, poet, emotional, aspects, problems


This study aims to determine the emotional aspects of poetry.  Poetry serves as an inner mirror for writers and readers. A poet can convey his deepest feelings and complex thoughts through carefully chosen words. Poetry provides a place for feelings of love, loss, happiness, and sadness to be expressed in ways that ordinary language cannot describe. There are two main problems in the process of creating poetry, namely, the problem of content and form. Talking about content, regarding what theme is being expressed while talking about forms means talking about formal things. Content is what will be said. Meanwhile, form is the means and technique used to express content. The existence of the two problems above can be associated with emotional aspects. Emotions and their aspects can be a source of ideas and themes that will be expressed in poetry. Themes such as love, fear, joy, suffering, and so on can be used as the basic ideas of a poet in writing poetry. Meanwhile, poetry is a poetic work of art and emphasizes aesthetic aspects. Poetry has become the most beautiful form of art to express human life with all its dynamics. The poetics of poetry is created by utilizing elements of language that can evoke emotional effects.


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How to Cite
Zahra, H. (2023). The role of emotion in the creation of poetry. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 1(4), 78-81. Retrieved from