Ilmu balaghah dalam kitab Shafwah Al-Tafassir

  • Aisyah Rochmah Nuraini Program Studi Ilmu Al-Qur’an dan Tafsir, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: Balaghah, al-Shabuni Ali, al-Tafsir


Examines the scientific approach to rhetoric in the book Shafwah al-Tafasir by Imam Ali al-Shabuniy. One of the forms of i'jaz al-Qur'an which is arranged in a flexible manner and contains elements of balaghah. A scientific balaghah approach is needed in the interpretation of the Koran. The need for rhetorical interpretation of the Koran was made at the beginning of the development of Islam. Shafwah al-Tafassir's book is unique because it uses the science of balaghah to explain it. Al – Shabuni presents it in a simple and systematic way. Balaghah knowledge is needed to study the book of Shafwah al-Tafassir, this research uses a qualitative descriptive method by taking al-Fatihah as the object of research. The research carried out yielded results that al-Shabuni in explaining also mentioned several elements of the science of balaghah, namely that there is a designation for khabriyah numbers but the meaning is insyaiyyah numbers, science, taqdim and takhir which all function as qahr or also asr, then alif lam in lafadz al-hamdu means al-ishtiqra and there are lafadz which were deleted by mahdzuf because of the tashrih form, which has a command verb form which means continuously and forever.


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How to Cite
Nuraini, A. (2024). Ilmu balaghah dalam kitab Shafwah Al-Tafassir. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(3). Retrieved from