The metaphors used in the song lyric of “Best Part” by Daniel Caesar and H.E.R

  • Devana Nur Neisyiah Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: Metaphors, Best Part Song, Song Lyrics, Love


Metaphor is figurative language that compares two different things containing the original meaning and describing the metaphor itself. This study aims to analyze different metaphors using Lakoff and Johnson's theory from 1980. The researcher employed a descriptive qualitative using a descriptive analysis method the data revealed the significance of context that was discovered in the Best Part song. The way to get the result is the song was attentively listened to after first obtaining them from Spotify, reading several times to comprehend the meaning, finding the relevant facts, making notes about it, and recognizing all kinds of metaphors. Data is also observed by classifying, analyzing, and drawing conclusions. The findings of this study are 8 data gathered in the song lyric Best Part by Daniel Caesar and H.E.R.: orientational (37.5%), structural (62.5%), and ontological (0%). As a result, structural metaphor predominated in a number of chosen Best Part song. Finally, a songwriter manipulates words and language to make the songs appealing while describing their experience. Teachers, students, and anybody else who enjoys listening to music should find it simple to comprehend the meaning and expression of the songs they enjoy via the use of this study song.


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How to Cite
Neisyiah, D. N. (2024). The metaphors used in the song lyric of “Best Part” by Daniel Caesar and H.E.R. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(5). Retrieved from