Keanekaragaman jenis vegetasi flora pada ekosistem hutan evergreen di Taman Nasional Baluran Situbondo

  • Kamelia Nafiah Program Studi Biologi, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: Diversity, Plants, Evergreen Forest, TNBS


Evergreen is a forest that has green forest plant species throughout the year. This research was conducted in the Baluran Situbondo National Park (TNBS) in an evergreen forest area. The purpose of this study was to determine the species composition and dominance of each type of tree vegetation found in the evergreen forest of TNBS by using a completely randomized design (CRD). The results obtained in this study, i.e. found 9 species of tree species that dominated in the three plots. Obtained in this study, i.e. found 9 species of tree species that dominated in the three plots, showed that Bignonia capreolata L. was the most dominant species in plot 1 , 2, and 3, namely 14 species, while the species with the lowest number were Coffea abbayesii J.-F.Leroy, Jubae chilensis (Molina) Baill., Casearia sylvestris, and Entada phaseoloides, with 1 species each. The species with the highest Importance Value Index (IVI) is Gleditsia triacanthos L., which is 135.16. Based on this, the conclusion in this study is that the distribution of species with the highest number is due to the suitability of the climate and living habitat of these species, so that adaptive growth results in a diversity of plant species.


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How to Cite
Nafiah, K. (2024). Keanekaragaman jenis vegetasi flora pada ekosistem hutan evergreen di Taman Nasional Baluran Situbondo. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(5). Retrieved from