Integrasi sains dan Islam

Penciptaan manusia

  • Marizcha Lutfiana Putri Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: Islam, Sains, Tujuan, Integrasi, Penciptaan


Commenting on the integration of science and religion means trying to unify the concepts of science and religion, but this is not always necessary to combine or pit them absolutely, since the properties and characteristics of both must not be lost and must be preserved. Integration is a dynamic and structured process that combines differences into a unity to achieve a common goal. The theory of human creation in Islam is ignored in several processes, namely: the Stage of Creation of the Body, the Stage of Life, the Stage of Giving the Spirit, the Stage of Giving Nafs. The creation of man according to the Qur'an, as outlined in Sura Al-Mu'minun verses 12-16 and QS Al-Ghafir verse 67, has clear stages. . The first man and the man who came after Adam, both had an earthy origin. Adam came from the ground, and the first sperm came from Adam, which is ultimately the essence of food that comes from the soil. The next process involves the formation of nutfah amsaj, which is a mixture of semen. Two elements, the sperm and the egg, join in a woman's uterus. Sperm, the fluid produced by men, and eggs, which belong to women. The sperm, the fluid produced by the male, and the egg, which belongs to the female, unite in this process. Then, God formed semen into a piece of blood that froze and then into a small piece of flesh. From there, bones are formed. Next, a process occurs to create the spirit. The next stage is the Nafs.Al stage—the Quran often uses the term "nafs" to refer to self-concept. The "Self" cell in this case includes the unity of body, life, and spirit, and its dynamics are seen in action and activity. In science, The creation of man follows the following stages: the formation of sperm and egg, morula and blastula, implantation or nidation, the formation of a future fetus You have reached your daily translation maximum - please come back tomorrow.


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How to Cite
Putri, M. (2024). Integrasi sains dan Islam. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(3). Retrieved from