Sejarah peradaban Islam pada masa Kerajaan Demak di Nusantara

  • Adi Wahyudi Program Studi Hukum Ekonomi Syariah, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: Kingdom of demak, raden fatah, islamization, walisongo


The Kingdom of Demak or the Sultanate of Demak was the first Islamic kingdom to stand on the land of Java. The Kingdom of Demak itself stood after the retreat of the Majapahit Kingdom at that time. The Kingdom of Demak was founded at the end of the 15th Century AD, by Raden Fatah. Raden Fatah himself in spreading Islam in the land of Java, he was supported by Walisongo, who were nine figures who propagated Islam in the land of Java. One of the Walisongo who was most influential in spreading Islam during the Demak Kingdom was Sunan Ampel who became Raden Fatah's teacher and father-in-law. Sunan Ampel also participated in facing attacks from the Majapahit kingdom who wanted to maintain his power. This discussion aims to make us clear about the efforts made by the Kingdom of Demak in spreading Islam in the archipelago as the first Islamic kingdom.


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How to Cite
Wahyudi, A. (2024). Sejarah peradaban Islam pada masa Kerajaan Demak di Nusantara. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(5). Retrieved from