Implikasi teori koginitif dalam mencegah digital amnesia syndrome mahasiswa

  • Azizatiz Zahra Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: Implication, Cognitive Theory, Digital amnesia, Student


The rise of technological development in this globalization era has caused human dependence on technology, especially students, because students are academics who are actively involved in using technological media. This dependence causes a negative impact on the cognitive development of students in the learning process, so it is feared that the phenomenon of digital amnesia syndrome will occur in students. And it is necessary to apply the right learning theory to prevent the phenomenon of digital amnesia syndrome. Therefore, this study aims to: (1) determine the extent of dependence of PBA UIN Malang students class of 2022 on digital media, (2) determine the implications or influence of this learning theory in improving students' cognitive abilities or critical thinking skills which can indirectly prevent the occurrence of digital amnesia syndrome. This research uses quantitative methods. The data collection technique used in this method is a questionnaire that has provided alternative answers in the form of multiple choices. The subjects of this research are PBA UIN Malang students class of 2022. The results showed that the majority of PBA UIN Malang students class of 2022 rely on smartphones as a second memory in storing their knowledge, the majority rely heavily on smartphones in searching for information or knowledge. And the implications of this cognitive learning theory show that students feel their critical thinking skills are increasing with the application of this theory in the learning process.


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How to Cite
Zahra, A. (2023). Implikasi teori koginitif dalam mencegah digital amnesia syndrome mahasiswa. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 1(6), 508-518. Retrieved from