Pengelolaan zakat secara kontemporer oleh LAZ eL-ZAWA UIN Malang

  • arsita indriani UIN Malang
Keywords: Contemporary Zakat Management, Zakat Collection, Zakat Distribution


Zakat is an obligation that must be fulfilled by every Muslim to become a perfect Muslim. In modern times, the management of zakat must also keep up with the times. this research include; 1. Analyze and review related to contemporary zakat collection by the amil zakat institution El-Zawa UIN Malang. 2. Analyze the zakat distribution system in a productive manner by the amil zakat institution el-Zawa UIN Malang. el-Zawa UIN Malang. While the research method used is a qualitative research method by collecting relevant data through observation, interviews and literature studies. and lecturers, direct payments and transfers, fundraising and distribution of brochures at student guardian meetings, and distribution of charity tubes within the UIN Malang and ma'had campuses. In terms of distribution, El-Zawa distributes zakat through 5 programs including; East Java Makmur, East Java Cares, East Java Smart, East Java Healthy, and East Java Taqwa. In addition to these 5 programs, zakat funds are also used to finance El Zawa's operations, employee honorarium and incentives for zakat distribution assistants. Thus, the collection and distribution of zakat in El Zawa is quite good , transparent and in accordance with the management of contemporary zakat fiqh.


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How to Cite
indriani, arsita. (2024). Pengelolaan zakat secara kontemporer oleh LAZ eL-ZAWA UIN Malang. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(3). Retrieved from