Pengaruh model pembelajaran game based learning dalam pembelajaran IPS di kelas VII MTs Negeri 1 Pasuruan

  • Faidillah Ningrum UIN Malang
Keywords: Media, learning models, crosswords, Quizziz, education


The purpose of this study was to find out the application of the Game Based Learning learning model in improving student learning outcomes in the subject of Social Sciences on the Entry Material of the Islamic Kingdom in Indonesia at MTs Negeri 1 Pasuruan. Data collection techniques using the results of observation and documentation in class VII F, it is known that this learning model is very effective in learning. In addition to fun games, students can also actively carry out learning. In implementing the learning, the teacher prepared the media to be studied in the next meeting, the researcher used crossword puzzle media, in which students were given 20 questions. Students who can answer one of the questions can immediately answer it on the blackboard where the crossword puzzle has been displayed. If the answer is correct, students will be given a prize in the form of chocolate candy to increase enthusiasm in answering. Media in this learning provides challenges along with enthusiasm in participating in learning. Usually the teacher describes the project task of making a concept map, but many students do not participate actively in learning which results in their assignments being late to work on and not many students who are unable to understand the material provided. That's why this game model really has an influence on the souls of young people who tend to actively take advantage of their activeness in learning in class and understanding in understanding the material presented and the questions given will have a positive influence on students who are initially less active to become actively involved because of an interest in the challenges that are given.


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How to Cite
Ningrum, F. (2024). Pengaruh model pembelajaran game based learning dalam pembelajaran IPS di kelas VII MTs Negeri 1 Pasuruan. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(3). Retrieved from