Struktur organisasi kemahasiswaan berdasarkan Keputusan Dirjen Pendis Nomor 4961 Tahun 2016 perspektif teori trias politika

  • Yudistira Abdi Rizki Program Studi Hukum Tata Negara, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: SK Dirjen Pendis, Ormawa, Trias Politika


The Student Organization (ORMAWA) is a forum for student organizations which is often referred to as a miniature state in educating students to become superior leaders in the future. Regulations related to organizing ORMAWA, especially at Islamic Religious Higher Education Institutions, are regulated in the Director General of Education Decree Number 4961 of 2016. ORMAWA itself consists of the Student Senate (SEMA), Student Executive Council (DEMA) and Study Program Student Association (HMPS). But unfortunately, the anxiety that occurred in the Decree was that it did not include the Student Judiciary Institution even though in the Trias Politica Theory, the existence of three power institutions, namely the executive, legislative and judicial branches, was considered important to maintain balance and justice (Check and Balance) structure and separation of powers reflecting the state system is certainly important. This study uses the perspective of Trias Politika Theory in analyzing how the ideal ORMAWA management structure is. This research uses a normative research method that is descriptive in nature using a Conceptual, Comparative, Issues Approach and regulations (state). The legal materials used are secondary legal materials taken from decisions, journals and so on which are collected and then processed. The results of the study show that although the Student Organization Management structure in the SK has provided adequate learning stages for students, it has not yet reached the ideal level as a miniature state. Therefore, this study recommends and supports the revision of the Decree so that it provides opportunities for students to be more creative without too much intervention, of course by considering and adjusting to the times and can also include the formation of a student judicial body so as to form a balanced power structure. , in accordance with the principles of the Trias Politica put forward by the Montesque barons.


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How to Cite
Rizki, Y. (2024). Struktur organisasi kemahasiswaan berdasarkan Keputusan Dirjen Pendis Nomor 4961 Tahun 2016 perspektif teori trias politika. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(3). Retrieved from