Study on bipolar disorder in the novel All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven

  • Aisya Fatimatuz Zahra Program Studi Matematik, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: Bipolar, manic, depressive, All The Bright Places


This research aims to understand the portrayal of bipolar disorder in the novel "All The Bright Places," explaining bipolar disorder in general, its symptoms, and the causes of bipolar disorder experienced by the main character in the novel. This study employs a qualitative descriptive research method. The primary data source for this research is the novel titled "All The Bright Places" by Jennifer Niven. Meanwhile, the secondary data sources include online journals, theses, articles, and research papers related to the topic. Data collection is conducted through a literature review. Based on the discussions conducted, the researcher draws the following conclusions. This study reveals that the main character named Theodore Finch experiences bipolar disorder, as depicted by his "manic episodes" and "depressive episodes." The research also discovers that the primary causes of Finch's bipolar disorder are mostly attributed to his father, stemming from both traumatic experiences and genetic predisposition. The explicit message conveyed by the author in this novel is the significance of awareness regarding the mental state of those around us, particularly for individuals dealing with mental disorders.


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How to Cite
Zahra, A. (2024). Study on bipolar disorder in the novel All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(5). Retrieved from