The concept of maqomat in the journey of human life

  • Nur Muhammad Abdillah Program Studi Manajemen, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: Maqamat, Spiritual, Transformation and Increased Self-Awareness.


Maqamat in the context of this journal refers to spiritual concepts in the journey of  human life. This journal abstract discusses the importance of maqamat in understanding the  spiritual journey and human self-development.This journal describes maqamat as stages in  the human spiritual journey that aims to achieve closeness to God. These stages involve  inner transformation and increased self-awareness through life experiences.The journal  writer explains that every individual has the potential to reach a higher maqamat in his  life's journey. However, attaining this maqamat requires deep self-awareness, spiritual  discipline, and sustained effort.This journal also describes the characteristics of maqamat  which include sincerity, fortitude, humility, and sensitivity to God's presence in every aspect  of life. Maqamat is also seen as a source of inspiration and motivation for self-improvement  and achieving the highest spiritual potential lJournal authors provide concrete examples of  how individuals who reach certain levels in their life's journey experience positive changes  in attitudes, behavior, and relationships with the surrounding environment.


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How to Cite
Abdillah, N. (2024). The concept of maqomat in the journey of human life. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(5). Retrieved from