Pentingnya seminar moderasi beragama dikalangan remaja

  • Siti Mustofia Program Studi Perpustakaan dan Ilmu Informasi, Universitas Islam Negeri Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: Religious Moderation, Teenager, Radicalism and Extremism


Religious moderation seminars have a central role in forming a balanced and tolerant understanding of religious differences among adolescents. This article aims to highlight the importance of religious moderation seminars in the context of the younger generation. Adolescents are a group that is vulnerable to external influences and changes in world views, which can affect their understanding of religion and religious diversity.

This article argues that religious moderation seminars play an important role in helping youth understand the essence of religious teachings as a basis for developing an inclusive and respectful attitude towards differences. Through guided discussions, youth can learn how to respond to religious differences with mutual respect and tolerance. In addition, such seminars can provide insight into the history of religion, the social and cultural contexts that shape religious diversity, helping to alleviate stereotypes and prejudices that may arise.

Religious moderation seminars have a central role in forming a balanced and tolerant understanding of religious differences among adolescents. This article aims to highlight the importance of religious moderation seminars in the context of the younger generation. Adolescents are a group that is vulnerable to external influences and changes in world views, which can affect their understanding of religion and religious diversity.

This article argues that religious moderation seminars play an important role in helping youth understand the essence of religious teachings as a basis for developing an inclusive and respectful attitude towards differences. Through guided discussions, youth can learn how to respond to religious differences with mutual respect and tolerance. In addition, such seminars can provide insight into the history of religion, the social and cultural contexts that shape religious diversity, helping to alleviate stereotypes and prejudices that may arise.


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How to Cite
Mustofia, S. (2024). Pentingnya seminar moderasi beragama dikalangan remaja. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(2), 70-73. Retrieved from