Pengaruh terjemahan sya'ir karya Nizar Qabbani di era modern

  • Siti Aisyah Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Arab , Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: The influence of translation; nizar qabbani; modern


Nizar Qabbani is a poet and diplomat whose work has existed make a significant contribution in influencing the world of literature and Arabic culture. And his work is very relevant to life and struggle human in the modern era. This study aims to examine the content of sya’ir the poetry of Nizar Qabbani and the influence of the translation of his poems in the modern era. As for the findings include : (1) That Nizar Qabbani’s poems contain expressions very strong emotions, describes people’s everyday lives,reflects social and metaphor used. (2) the influence of Nizar Qabbani’s poetry in the modern era, namely: Understanding Arab culture, Exploration of emotions and love, Resistance to thinking, Women empowerment. This research  is a qualitative descriptive study whose data source was obtained  from the text of Nizar Qabbani’s poems with the theme : love, feminism, freedom, and the political situation of the middle east.  Regarding technique the data collection is by reading and noting the poems that become object of research. In analyzing data, classifying data, analyzing data, and cocluding data analysis as awhole, and the conclusion data analysis as a whole, and the conclusion of this research is Nizar Qabbani’s poems has influential content in the modern era, expanding understanding Arab culture and voicing universal aspirations.


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How to Cite
Aisyah, S. (2024). Pengaruh terjemahan sya’ir karya Nizar Qabbani di era modern. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(2), 157-162. Retrieved from