The role of mathematics as a means of scientific thinking

  • Mahmuda Mahmuda Program Studi Matematika, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: Scientific Thinking, Language, Logic, Mathematics, Statistic


Mathematics has long been recognized as a universal language of science that plays an integral role in scientific development and understanding. Mathematics has a center role in shaping and facilitating the process of scientific thinking. Mathematics is not only a tool for measuring and identifying natural phenomena, but also a means for formulating hypotheses, developing models, and testing theories.

The mathematical ability to visualize abstract concepts helps scientists overcome the complexity of the physical world and identify patterns underlying natural phenomena. By formulating problems in mathematical form, scientists can apply deductive and inductive methods to develop new knowledge. Mathematics can enable clear and efficient communication between scientists, leading to better exchange of ideas and collaboration across disciplines. However, challenges arise in ensuring that the use of mathematics remains accurate and relevant to real-world phenomena. Therefore, a deep understanding of mathematics and the ability to apply it in a scientific context are essential skills for modern scientists.


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How to Cite
Mahmuda, M. (2024). The role of mathematics as a means of scientific thinking. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(2). Retrieved from