Studi literatur

Analisis sifat fisis air yang disimpan dalam qirbah berbahan kulit hewan (sapi, kambing, domba dan kelinci)

  • Rizky Mu'amanah Program Studi Fisika, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: Qirbah; water quality; ph; oxygen levels; bacterial colony.


Qirbah is an Arabic term that refers to a vessel or drinking vessel made from tanned animal skin. Qirbah was used before the discovery of plastic or other materials as a portable drinking container. Qirbah can be made from tanned animal skin and sewn to form a pouch. So far, the skin commonly used for Qirbah is Cow, Goat, Sheep and Rabbit skin. The conclusion from various studies shows that qirbah made from rabbit skin is not ideal as a container for storing drinking water safely. Increased concentrations of heavy metals and high levels of bacteria can have a negative impact on human health. Meanwhile, Qirbah made from goat, sheep and cow leather has safe water quality and can be used as a water container.


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How to Cite
Mu’amanah, R. (2024). Studi literatur. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(1), 411-415. Retrieved from