Pengaruh Prinsip-prinsip Islam dalam terapi psikologi

Tinjauan literatur

  • Sultoni Bagas Alfikri Program Studi Psikologi, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: psychology, psychological therapy, Mental Health, Islamic Pricip, Islamic Principle, Therapy, Religion, Islam


This study is a literature review that examines the influence of Islamic principles in psychological therapy. Psychological therapy has become a common approach in helping individuals overcome psychological problems and achieve mental well-being. However, in recent years, awareness of the importance of religious and spiritual factors in the practice of psychological therapy has increased. In this context, the influence of Islamic principles in psychological therapy is an interesting research topic. Islam as a religion that encompasses spiritual, moral, social, and psychological aspects in an individual's life offers strong guidance and guidance in understanding and overcoming psychological problems. Here researchers will explore some of the main principles in Islam that have the potential to influence psychological therapy approaches, such as the concepts of faith, fortitude, self-introspection, healthy social relationships, and ethical and moral values. The journal will also investigate how these Islamic principles can be integrated into existing psychological therapy practices, such as cognitive-behavioral approaches, values-based therapies, or self-understanding therapies. By bridging the understanding of Islam and the practice of psychological therapy, this study aims to provide valuable thoughts and knowledge for practitioners, researchers, and academics in the field of psychology.


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How to Cite
Alfikri, S. (2024). Pengaruh Prinsip-prinsip Islam dalam terapi psikologi. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(4). Retrieved from