Peran guru IPS dalam meningkatkan minat pembelajaran sejarah di SMPN 01 Lawang

  • Badi'ul Latifah Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: the role of the teacher, learning principles, interests


The teacher as an educator plays a role in the learning process in the classroom so that it is achieved according to the goals that have been prepared in the planning. In order to create a conducive learning relationship between the teacher and students there must be familiarity to make it easier to give directions to students. Students are expected to be active and develop their creativity, for example ask questions during learning by asking problems that arise during the learning process so that the teaching and learning process does not dominate the teacher because students are active. This research was conducted by conducting interviews to obtain information. From the information obtained, the role of the teacher in learning history is very necessary. history which according to some people is a lesson that makes you sleepy and bored. It is the teacher's job to package learning history so that students like it. Most students don't like this lesson because there is too much material to read and study. Long and leafy material -sheets from textbooks. Interest in learning history in the teaching and learning process is not determined by the lesson plan, for example, the strategy used and the media presented to students. This lesson plan is very important so that students are interested in following history learning material. The teacher's role is needed in preparing planning With good planning, it is hoped that students will have an interest in studying history and be able to understand the lessons conveyed by the teacher.


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How to Cite
Latifah, B. (2024). Peran guru IPS dalam meningkatkan minat pembelajaran sejarah di SMPN 01 Lawang. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(2). Retrieved from