Materi pembaharuan Islam dan pengaruhnya di ‎Indonesia menggunakan metode Inquiry Based Learning ‎pada jenjang SMA

  • Sheptian Awwaludin Ichsan Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: History, Challenge, Critical, Renewal, Inquiry Learning


In human life, moving forward through time that is continuously increasing and cannot be repeated, it is from there that humans have traces left behind about whatever they have done, with a little ability they are able to create big stories which can then be used as memories or history in a journey of life. Every human being has their own memories and history, but there are only a select few who can change the world with their hands and efforts as the Prophet who can bring about change and now it becomes history that Muslims always remember and remember. From there, historians and historians were born and continue to develop following the progress of the times, which keep moving forward without caring about backwardness. In every era or era there will be a name for renewal which adapts and responds to the challenges of the times as a solution to the problem, there are several figures who become Islamic reform movements so that they can continue to exist and not experience setbacks in their time. Things like history must be remembered and preserved for generations in every generation so that they don't get lost and damaged on the way to reach their destination. By giving teaching, giving material as well as explaining history, then exploring the places that are traces of the history of the ancestors, then explaining in detail and correctly the historical process. Therefore this article provides suggestions for teaching history through the inquiry based learning method which can train students' critical thinking and activeness in mastering material which can have a positive impact on each student for self-development and remembering history.


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How to Cite
Ichsan, S. (2023). Materi pembaharuan Islam dan pengaruhnya di ‎Indonesia menggunakan metode Inquiry Based Learning ‎pada jenjang SMA. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 1(3), 398-404. Retrieved from