Problem teologis masyarakat Islam modern

  • Zaqhlul Ammar Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Arab, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: Interpretation of holy texts, modern islamic society, social change, theology, theological problems


The theological problems in modern Islamic society are an important consideration in the development of religion and culture today. It is noteworthy that modern Islamic society is confronted with various dilemmas and challenges regarding their understanding and practice of religion. These theological problems involve traditions, the interpretation of sacred texts, social changes, and the societal perspectives in evaluating matters, as well as the emergence of radical and extremist movements that undermine the image of Islam itself. One of the theological problems faced by modern Islamic society is the degradation of Islamic scholarship, which significantly affects the development and character education of individuals in the modern era. This is compounded by social changes and shifts in the mindset of society, which tends to prioritize materialistic pursuits to fulfill their worldly needs. This has implications for the regression of Islamic society in various aspects. Additionally, the shift in mindset is further supported by the rapid development of technology, which facilitates many aspects of human life. Furthermore, the theological problems faced by modern Islamic society also involve complex social and political issues. Islam often becomes a subject of debate concerning human rights, evidenced by the emergence of separatist extremist organizations and radical groups, democracy, gender equality (where Islam is accused of being patriarchal), and freedom of expression. Modern Islamic society is faced with the demand to articulate their religious values within a dynamic social and political context. In addressing these theological problems, modern Islamic society needs to seek understanding and solutions that integrate religious values with contemporary realities. Comprehensive religious education, promoting the importance of religious moderation, constructive interfaith dialogue, and critical thinking approaches to sacred texts and theological heritage will be essential in facing these challenges.


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How to Cite
Ammar, Z. (2024). Problem teologis masyarakat Islam modern. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(3), 149-156. Retrieved from