Transformasi ekonomi

Dengan hadirnya pembangunan berkelanjutan yang terjadi di Indonesia

  • Vebya Yuwa Ayu Mashanda Program Studi Hukum Keluarga Islam, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: Transformation, Development, Sustainable, Social, Economic


As a country, Indonesia often conducts development with the aim of being a process of change towards something better. It can be said that development that provides benefits is development that always pays attention to the concepts of social welfare, environmental sustainability, as well as epidemics and robs of natural beauty.

The emergence of problems due to unsustainable development brings consequences and demands that sustainable development is needed with sustainable development pillars in the form of economic sustainability, social sustainability and environmental sustainability, all three of which must develop in a balanced manner. Therefore, there appears the transformation of development to sustainable development. The purpose of this change is to improve the welfare of its people and create more efficient economic activities. The driving factors and efforts to realize a sustainable development program. The Global Tomorrow Coalition states that there are four (4) things that are the basic reasons for sustainable development. These four things are interrelated with each other because each base covers every area of the economy. And there are five main businesses that need to be done to carry out environmentally sound development. Without disregarding the rules of the economy, nature-ecology, and civilization, this endeavor also necessitates the existence of social capital that can keep the lines of communication open between different branches of government on both the horizontal and vertical levels.


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How to Cite
Mashanda, V. Y. (2024). Transformasi ekonomi. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(5). Retrieved from