Penanganan kebersihan tempat wisata dalam menarik wisatawan

  • Fatmatuz Zahro Program Studi Matematika, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: cleanliness, attractiveness, trash, toilet, tourist, vacatoin destination


The purpose of this article is to give solution for problem of the cleanliness at vacation destination in Indonesia such that can attract more tourist. Indonesia known as the emerald of the world because of its natural beauty. This emerald of beauty is gift that have to utilized and preserved well. Many of vacation destination in Indonesia that really heavily on the characteristics of its own beauty, so that the cleanliness quality and availability of adequate facilities be key to success from getting tourist to visit and enjoy the place. In the context of cleanliness, the presence of trash especially plastic waste, which is a major problem for various vacation destination in Indonesia.  As for edequate facilities,  there must at least be a trash bins according to the type of trash and so the public toilets too. Vacation destination that not well managed will decrease tourist attraction to visit there.


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How to Cite
Zahro, F. (2024). Penanganan kebersihan tempat wisata dalam menarik wisatawan. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(2), 16-25. Retrieved from