Infusa daun markisa sebagai suplemen peningkat daya tahan tubuh

  • Mutimatul Fadlilah Program Studi Matematika, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: Infusa, Passion Fruit, Vitamin C, Leaf, Antioxidants


The rainy season is one of the factors that make us vulnerable to diseases. The high humidity during the rainy season makes the spread of germs through the air very dangerous for the body. To avoid a decrease in immunity, we can consume Vitamin C, foods rich in Vitamin C are fruits, vegetables, and even leaves that are rarely used.  Passion fruit leaves contain antioxidants that can counteract free radicals and increase endurance by increasing the absorption of iron in the body. so that it can increase immunity. This study aims to determine the antioxidant activity in passion fruit leaf INFUSA, and to determine the public response about passion fruit leaf INFUSA on endurance. This research used DPPH (1,1-diphenil-2picryhydrazyl) test, organoleptic test and respondent test. The results of this study are useful for adding value to passion fruit leaves and reducing waste from passion fruit leaves that are rarely used. Samples used fresh passion fruit leaf infusa, dried passion fruit leaf infusa, fresh passion fruit leaf infusa that has been allowed to stand, and dried passion fruit leaf infusa that has been allowed to stand. The pointer contains antioxidants when the color of the infusa does not change after mixing DPPH. The results of the experiment showed that dried passion fruit leaf infusa contains antioxidants. Fresh passion fruit leaf infusa, dried withered passion fruit leaf infusa, and dried fresh passion fruit leaves do not contain antioxidants.


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How to Cite
Fadlilah, M. (2024). Infusa daun markisa sebagai suplemen peningkat daya tahan tubuh. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(5). Retrieved from