Pembelajaran sain integratif dalam meningkatkan pemahaman materi nutrisi dan gizi

Analisis kandungan gizi beras ketan putih dan beras ketan hitam

  • Adelia Nur Aziza Fitri Aisah Fandy Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: nutrition, protein, fat, water, Science learning


Concepts in science material have characteristics related to concepts in one subject matter, between materials and with concepts outside other concepts or with other disciplines. To be able to understand this concept, an integrative understanding of the concept is needed. One of the materials that require an integrative understanding is material about nutrition and nutrition. This study used a descriptive design to describe an integrative understanding of nutrients and nutrition materials. The method used In this study, proximate analysis was carried out with analytical principles on white glutinous rice and black glutinous rice. This study aims to determine the nutritional content in the sample. The results showed that there were differences in total nutrient content in white glutinous rice and black glutinous rice. Carbohydrate content of white sticky rice (0.417%), black sticky rice (2.178%); protein content of white sticky rice (0.075%), black sticky rice (0.97%); ascorbic acid content of white sticky rice (0.6%), black sticky rice (0.112%); fat content of white sticky rice (-3.6%), black sticky rice (0.00216%); White sticky rice and black sticky rice do not contain formaldehyde, borax and dyes. White sticky rice water content (10%), black sticky rice (23.97%), white sticky rice carotene content (-3.7x10^-4%), black sticky rice (0.2827%), white sticky rice ash content (0.476%) , black sticky rice (1.5379%), mineral content of white sticky rice (3.043%), black sticky rice (1.913%), and white sticky rice amylase activity (-2.61 units/micromol), black sticky rice (1.13205 units/ micromoles).


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How to Cite
Fandy, A. (2024). Pembelajaran sain integratif dalam meningkatkan pemahaman materi nutrisi dan gizi. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(6). Retrieved from