The role of working women in the household

  • Dzia Rahmania Program Studi Hukum Keluarga Islam, Universitas Islam Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: career woman; nafkah; Islam; Double Role.


Career women are women who continue to work and have financial adequacy independently, whether they are obtained from working for other people or as entrepreneurs.  Those who become careerwomen are usually synonymous with intelligent and broad thinking and are in modern life.  The positive and negative impacts it brings to the community depend on how they carry themselves both religiously and socially.  Although at first women were needed a lot in household matters, in some cases women were also needed to fulfill basic needs and earn a living.  This creates new thinking about women who decide to become career women to have financial independence without leaving their obligations as a wife or mothers.  Even in the Qur'an and Hadith, there is no prohibition against working women.  In other words, Islam does not place restrictions and prohibitions on women to become careerwomen as long as they are able to live and do not cause a lot of harm.  However, being a career woman in public view still causes many differences of opinion from any circles.



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How to Cite
Rahmania, D. (2024). The role of working women in the household. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(2). Retrieved from