Berbagai pendekatan manajemen supervise pendidikan

  • Mufliha Rahma M Saleh Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: Education; approach; supervision


In the field of education and teaching, supervisors are needed who can dialogue and help personal and professional growth so that everyone experiences personal and professional growth. The educational supervision approach used in modern supervision is based on psychological principles. There are three approaches, namely (1) Directive Approach, which is an approach to problems that are direct; (2) Non-directive approach, which is an approach to problems that are indirect in nature; (3) The collaborative approach is an approach that combines directive and non-directive approaches into a new approach. The principal is obliged to manage the running of the school and can also work with the community, inspire teachers and school staff to work better, build and maintain kinship, cohesiveness and unity between teachers, staff and students. students, develop the school curriculum, know the school plan and know how to implement it, care for and promote the well-being of teachers and staff. Supervision can be carried out by the school principal who acts as a supervisor, although in a modern educational organizational system a special supervisor is needed who is more independent, and can increase objectivity in coaching and carrying out his duties. The function of supervision or supervision in education is not just control to see whether all activities have been carried out according to the plans and programs outlined, but more than that. Supervision in education has a broader meaning. Supervision activities include determining the conditions or requirements for personnel and materials needed to create an effective teaching and learning situation, and efforts to fulfill these conditions.


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How to Cite
Saleh, M. (2024). Berbagai pendekatan manajemen supervise pendidikan. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(6). Retrieved from