Penentuan kadar glukosa pada minuman sachet menggunakan refraktometer abbe

  • Balqis Alivia Nahwa Program Studi Fisika, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: Refraktometter Abbe, sachet drinks, refractive indeks, Glucose


Consuming packaged drinks is increasingly popular because it is practical over time. However, the quality of the drink must still be considered. especially when it comes to sweet flavors. It is necessary to review the glucose content. The comparison concentration level of glucose can be seen from the refractive index of the solution using an Abbe refractometer. The use of an Abbe refractometer can be done with sample experiments. The data obtained is that the highest glucose presentation is owned by the Max tea drink with a refractive index of 1.357 percentage of 22% and the lowest glucose is owned by the Hilo drink with a refractive index of 1.339 percentage of 8%.


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How to Cite
Nahwa, B. (2024). Penentuan kadar glukosa pada minuman sachet menggunakan refraktometer abbe. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(2). Retrieved from