Metode pembelajaran maharah al-istima’ di kelas PKPBA UIN Malang

  • Elfina Sabilia Rajabi Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: Leraning Methods, Maharah Al-Istima', Arabic Language, Evaluastion, Language Development


Listening skills cannot be separated from language teaching. As In learning Arabic this skills is one of important aspects. The purpose of this research in this study is (1) to analyze the implementation learning methods of listening skills in Special Program for Arabic Language Development (PKPBA) State Islamic University  of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang for the academic year 2021/2022. (2) researching responses and problems listening skills learning in class FJ-1, TR-4, TR-5 PKPBA 2021/2022 UIN Maliki. (3) observing evaluation listening skills learning in class PKPBA. Looking at the approach, this research is descriptive qualitative. Researchers explore data by means of observation techniques,interviews and documentation, and then analyzed through the data collection stage, data reduction and categorization, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The result of the research is that lecturers are active in giving Arabic expressions to students intensively so that students can receive and listen to the material well. The implementation of good teaching is also supported by the existence of effective teaching materials, namely the ALH book and good learning methods so as to produce a good evaluation too. This learning evaluation uses the website address that has been provided. In this research, stated that the teaching and learning of listening skills at PKPBA UIN Maliki Malang for the academic year 2021/2022 has been successful although there are still a little problems experienced by teachers and students but all that can be arranged. One of the problems is that students do not concentrate when the teacher delivers the material due to bored or fatigue due to dormitory activities or lack of sleep due to staying up late at night.


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How to Cite
Rajabi, E. (2023). Metode pembelajaran maharah al-istima’ di kelas PKPBA UIN Malang. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 1(5), 124-133. Retrieved from