Pengembangan sumber daya manusia

Sebagai primary investment dalam kesuksesan organisasi

  • Catur Adi Sagita Program Studi Manejemen, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: Development, human resources, organization, education, training


This article discusses human resource development as an effort to achieve organizational goals. The quality of members in an organization determines the success or failure of the organization. Improving the quality of members' skills in carrying out their work can be done through development activities, namely education and training. Education is carried out with the aim of improving the quality of members in terms of theory and practice, thereby providing more insight into their position. Meanwhile, the training aims to enable members to apply the theory they have learned and provide a direct overview through practical field work. Development can be carried out in formal and informal ways. Formal development is carried out in a structured and organized manner. Meanwhile, informal development can be carried out based on members' personal wishes through literature or activities that support the improvement of members' personal qualities. Human resource development is important to do in an organization. The direction of the organization's movement becomes clear when the members' main duties and responsibilities are in line with their competencies. Improving the quality of members' personal skills is a major investment in the success of an organization. There are many benefits resulting from developing organizational human resources, such as increasing member productivity in carrying out work and minimizing damage and losses that can occur in the organization. Therefore, human resource development is a long-term investment that must be made by an organization, so that achieving the organization's goals or ideals becomes easy.


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How to Cite
Sagita, C. (2023). Pengembangan sumber daya manusia. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 1(5), 213-218. Retrieved from