Implementasi public relations dalam angkringan membangun citra dan hubungan dengan pelanggan

Studi kasus di Angkringan Seven Legend Kota Blitar

  • Syafi' Ainul Yahya Program Studi Perbankan Syariah, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: Angkringan; public relations (PR); implementation


This research discusses the implementation of Public Relations (PR) in angkringan, a coffee shop that has become an iconic culinary symbol in Indonesia. Angkringan has evolved into a cultural emblem, a meeting place, and a platform for discussions, influencing its image, customer engagement, and community relationships. PR plays a pivotal role in understanding, shaping, and maintaining the image of angkringan, as well as nurturing positive relationships with customers and the community. Through a case study of Angkringan Seven Legend in Blitar City, the research employs qualitative methods and in-depth interviews to uncover effective PR practices. The findings provide valuable insights for angkringan owners and PR practitioners, contributing to a better understanding of PR in the culinary industry.


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How to Cite
Yahya, S. (2023). Implementasi public relations dalam angkringan membangun citra dan hubungan dengan pelanggan. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 1(5), 293-299. Retrieved from