Studi literatur perbandingan sistem pendidikan dasar di Indonesia dan Finlandia

  • Sherlytha Dyah Febrianggita Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: education system, basic education, comparative study, finland, indonesia


The education system is a very important thing in a country as one of the factors supporting the advancement of a country. Finland, which is known as a country with good and advanced education, can be an example for several countries that want to advance their education system, one of which is Indonesia. The presentation in this journal is to show how the education system in Finland is run and also contains the running of the education system in Indonesia which can later be used as a comparison and evaluation of the education system. This journal uses a literature study research method from several books and journals that contain discussions related to the education system in Finland and the education system in Indonesia. Which is summarized and published in the form of a description in this journal.

The results obtained are in the form of a discussion of the basic education system and policies in Indonesia and Finland, the basic education curriculum in Indonesia and Finland, and teacher qualifications in Indonesia and Finland. The results found are differences and similarities in the education system in Indonesia and Finland. With a description that summarizes the discussion of the education system in Indonesia and Finland is expected to be a material understanding of the education system in developed countries and also a comparison material as an evaluation of the education system for developing countries to improve the education system in their country.


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How to Cite
Febrianggita, S. D. (2024). Studi literatur perbandingan sistem pendidikan dasar di Indonesia dan Finlandia. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(6). Retrieved from