Etika bermedia sosial dan penyebaran informasi

Bagaimana nilai-nilai Pancasila yg dapat membimbing penggunaan media sosial.

  • Nadia Nilnal Muna Program Studi Bahasa dan sastra arab, Universitas Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Keywords: social media, Pancasila, ethics, millennial generation, social


Pancasila is the basis of the Indonesian state and ideology which is the basis for development and national and state life. According to several historical figures and experts, the meaning of Pancasila also provides a different understanding but still reflects the values contained therein. This aims to ensure that the millennial generation uses social media well and implements Pancasila values on social media. We are now in the digital era, where everything has been digitized, including more conventional ways of living in society, such as socializing and mingling well with people, whether known or unknown. Currently, hoax reports such as social politics and SARA are testing the strength of Pancasila. Therefore, as a millennial generation in the era of technology and media, they must apply social media well by using it for things that have positive value and can even generate profits. Social media also provides many opportunities for the millennial generation to apply Pancasila values through various social media pages, also opening opportunities to appreciate new things and express good opinions to be read by people who use social media while adhering to Pancasila values.


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How to Cite
Muna, N. (2024). Etika bermedia sosial dan penyebaran informasi. Maliki Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(6). Retrieved from